Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dump Haul

We went to the dump today and I visited the dump store and voila.
2 plaques I am not sure what they are made from, but they are very heavy. 

I put them in my pots cute and free. 
I found 3 current magazines. 

Remember how I broke my scales last week? Well, I found a new to me scale!!! 
(For those who don't know they have a store at our dump where people leave things they don't want but others may need.)

My lupin is struggling along.

The first iris of spring. I weeded my whole iris garden today.

I weeded my rose garden. 

I weeded a lot this afternoon. It is back breaking but so worth it in the end. 

I dug out an old friend too, my bread machine. I read the bread package I was throwing away and decided it was time to make my own bread this summer with the bread machine.

I found a recipe for rhubarb relish, so today was the day. 
It made 6 small jars. It is delicious but I would make a couple of changes next time. Like less liquid and less cooking time. 

A dollop on fresh bread was a perfect lunch. 
I can think of a hundred ways to use this relish. This recipe is a keeper. 
The painter is here, and he started with the upstairs hallway.
We got soaking rains the day before he came so he said the porch was to wet to start with ugg and I wait for that porch to get back together. But on the other side the hall looks great. 
Today is chilly I am walking around in a fleece jacket. 
but this weekend is supposed to be warmer and wonderful. 
Have a great weekend!


Rugs and Pugs said...

Your dump finds are amazing!!! Kudos to you.
Weeding is backbreaking...looks great when done...but sadly weeding is never ending. Oh, the joys of home ownership.

Bonnie K said...

Always fun to find new treasures. I agree. Weeding sucks, but if you do it early while the ground is still moist it saves a lot in the future. Fresh bread and rhubarb jam (I make jam not much of a relish fan) sounds great!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Our dump unfortunately stopped the exchange area. You did well! - Jenn

Marie Smith said...

I have been using rhubarb too. I made one jam recipe which was way too sweet. I’ll look for a relish recipe now.

Saundra said...

Those plaques look great tucked in your garden.
Cooler here too but thankfully not snow weather, lol.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

What a great idea - the plaques are so pretty in the flowers! And homemade bread will be delicious - sounds like a good day!

Chatty Crone said...

I WISH WE HAD A DUMP LIKE YOURS! lol sounds funny.
That relish/jelly looked so good.
Hope your deck is all painted now.

Marcia said...

Before Covid and before we moved here there was a swap shop at the recycle center here. Now that space is used for styrofoam recycling. Some big items people bring and they sit for the day and if no one takes them Travis puts them in the huge trash bin.

Anonymous said...

We are a recycle ctr too but I love the old fashion word dump and ours is on ta da dump road lol.

Granny Marigold said...

What a great idea to have people put stuff that is still worthwhile in a separate area from garbage. Those plaques look good in your potted plants. I sure would have taken them too.
I have never heard of rhubarb relish so I looked up a recipe which looks simple enough. Trouble is my DH won't eat any relish and I'm a vegetarian so I'm not sure what I'd put it on :(

I hope you get warm sunshine soon so the porch can be painted and put back together. Just in time for June.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your gardens look wonderful! The weeds are out of control this year here with all the rain. I love your dump treasures - especially those plaques. They remind me of the two old 9 (partial) headstones I have - the old white marble ones with beautiful aging and patina. Homemade bread always sounds good to me...but I'm not a rhubarb fan. You've really been busy! ~Robin~

Debbie said...

your gardens look so lovely, i find weeding to feel very satisfying!!

i have never heard of a program like that at the dumps, but it is a great idea!!

Julia said...

You are always so lucky at finding great finds at the dump. Your gardens are looking so well kept. It's planting and weeding time here too. Still so much work to do here in the gardens.

Enjoy the weekend.

yaya said...

I love those plaques! I love your dump finds. I think we have a similar place here but I haven't checked it out. That's where I think I'll take my things I'm getting rid of. I just bought the Country Home magazine. I'm such a magazine lover! Enjoy your weekend. We've had just beautiful weather the last 2 days but I think rain is heading our way on Sunday. Your flower beds looks so perfect! I hate weeding but when you've got a "Garden of Weedin'" it's a necessary evil!

Chris said...

What a great idea at your dump and rhubarb relish sounds good but you didn't post the recipe

Prims By The Water said...

When I saw your header for your post, my first thought was oh I wonder what Cathy brought home now.:-) Some wonderful finds as usual. I use to subscribe to both BHG and Country Home. What a beautiful iris. Always well worth after the weeding is done.. Too humid here today, otherwise I would be out there myself. Janice