Meet Brynlee's parents.
and Brynlee meets Pepe. Pepe is totally smitten.
My poor daughter had a very hard time but in the end all is ok. Everyone is happy and very healthy.
Thanks to everyone for putting up with my silly posts. I will blame it all on stress.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Brogen's post
Hi my name is Brogen or TCFH (the cat from hell). Just because I like to jump and grab onto your pant leg at random times. As you can see I am stunned that we have no baby yet. Mom had to be induced because of some health concerns but I am assured that everything is going as planned and no problems. I am told these things take time. I wonder if she is having kittens? I would love kittens to play with. What its a baby! Yikes! Ok I am off to play with gramie she said she loves your comments gives her something to read while waiting. 
Baily's post
Hi my name is Baily. My mom is in labor so Gramie and Grampa are here with me and the cat. They are pacing the floor and not much sleep, but me I need all the rest I can get to deal with that baby when she gets home. So bye for now I will keep you informed but for now zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Monday, December 27, 2010
Snow Snow Snow
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We just made it home before it started to snow last night and we woke up to this and it is still snowing. Time to do some cleaning and maybe pull out my hooking.
this is the tree that I hung the gingerbread men on you can see that there are no men left. It was so cute to see the red squirrel grab a man and run like crazy so the other squirrels didn't see him. 
And still no baby news. My daughter was not happy I took this picture but how wonderful and cozy do they look? I have a wonderful son-in-law and he gave my daughter some thoughtful wonderful gifts.We had a great Christmas so I now need to detox from all the chocolate I consumed. Oh my goodness it was a lot of sweets and food in general. We did the scratch tickets that we usually do no big winners. My husband collected all the losers and wanted to enter them into second chance the lottery has on line. He was entering and found a 60.00 winner oh yea! glad we took the losers.
Hope you're all warm and cozy.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
All Ready
What do you do with gingerbread men that you have baked just a little to long?? You hang them by their necks on a tree outside for the birds and squirrels 
I have all of the odds and ends all bought. When the family gets together each family buys 20.00 worth of scratch tickets we separate them and put them all together in a basket and draw one out for each adult each round, scratch and then see if anyone won that round and we continue until all tickets are drawn. We have been doing this for about 10 years and the largest amount won 50.00 on one ticket and I think there is at least 100.00 worth of tickets each year. So to say that scratch tickets are a losing proposition is an understatement.Today was my last thrift before Christmas. I love the snowman candles and will burn them tomorrow night. the box under is angel hair. I had an aunt that would use this and I thought she was so progressive!
and I got the candle holder for 1.00 it is all wax you just put a glass votive holder inside. just what I needed to finish off my friends gift.
There was a whole stack of free magazines so I picked out what I wanted, all set for the next snow storm.
My daughter is at the doctors for her weekly check still nothing but waiting to hear what she finds out.
Her due date is the 27th but they told her any day now two weeks ago. I wish they hadn't said that! Now she is a bit upset that she could spend Christmas in the hospital. My poor baby. We are all anxious but I am sure that our grand daughter will come when she is ready and not before.
To all my wonderful Blogging friends You are all just the most amazing people. I count you among my many blessing. Have a Wonderful Christmas.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Still Waiting
Then in the mail my aunt sent me this Christmas stocking. It is a recycled felted sweater. I just love it!
Then I made some cranberry scones. mmmm
Still no baby oh it is hard waiting. I am as ready as I can be for Christmas so I am waiting for the fat man and a baby which will come first???????
Then I made some cranberry scones. mmmm
Still no baby oh it is hard waiting. I am as ready as I can be for Christmas so I am waiting for the fat man and a baby which will come first???????
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Weekend Wind Up
Big weekend and lots of pictures so get a cup of tea and join me. First on Friday I went to the dump before work and found 2 of these chairs they are iron. I do not believe they have ever been used. Do you see the white seats???? not a speck on them. I think I may sell them. and the little snowman angel has never been used just put a tea light in and he looks so sweet. I have a friend that would love him.
After work I had to make a drop at the thrift store and you know I can't drop and go. So I found this sweet red sweater, and a table cloth I think it is a reproduction material but the blue is so my kitchen. The little stars are not German, but I love the color and sparkle and for .25 for all it's a sale.Then Saturday morning we headed for Portsmouth for some shopping ,we had tickets for Strawbery bank evening stroll. It was a fun day we did very little shopping mostly window shopping and enjoying the day and being away. The first things we saw at strawbery bank was ginger bread houses.
Stawbery banke has a lot of houses that they have been restored to the original period they were build. You get to see how Christmas came to America and how it was celebrated. Me, I was all about the dishes.
Can you believe how beautiful these are and the built in alone is beautiful Yes it is curved.
This pewter is so me. I love that the cupboard is a built in and has given me an idea that maybe my husband might be able to do for me. His honey do list is getting longer.
Ooooh I am in love with this cupboard look at that beautiful wood.
There were players in period costume and they would talk as if they were living in that period and speak to you like you were just visitors to their home.
And of course it was decorated. I just lost a picture of wreath that I loved! oh that makes me mad! Well any way. It was crowded and cold but I really enjoyed myself. I think the one that spoke the most to my husband and me was the house built in 1957 it was all very familiar. There was a Bonfire that we sat around and then we went to dinner. I have lots more to tell you about, but I will not bore you now. I hope that your weekend was wonderful and you are ready for Christmas so that you can really enjoy the next few days as they were meant to be. Still no baby news my daughter is tired and very ready. She keeps having false labor so she is ready for that baby.
Thank you for all of your wonderful comments I really enjoy them so much. Talk to you soon!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
First I want to thank everyone for their kind comments on my last post. It really meant a lot to me.
I want to share my mantle. I just got this joy I think it is German glass or silver glitter as it has tarnished at bit. I walked into the thrift store and the girl running it said I bet Cathy wants this. She was right for .25 oh yeah. 
These snow shoes are my step-father's which he doesn't use any more so up they go on the wall.with a real wreath but fake roping.
Since the dump has had nothing lately I went to the thrift store today. I got this wee little Christmas shoe, I believe it is vintage japan. An elf must of lost it. Bought for a wee quarter.
I also got this light it is pretty rusty and I thought I would spray it black but when I got it home I liked it had the rust.
A candle ring and a little shade and my rusty 1.00 light is so cute. I love little lamps every where.
my last thing is a winter rug I hooked several years ago. I really like it and keep it out all winter. can you see my kitty Sadie going to check out the snowman??? And the little house with the star? Lets just say it is a necessary room ha.
Have a great weekend! we are off to Portsmouth to tour strawbery banke all dressed up for Christmas.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Missing Mom
Two years ago today I lost my mother. It was not unexpected but never easy. My mom had lived with us for 13 years in a little apartment in our house. So to say I miss her is an understatement. My daughter is expecting her first great grandchild she would have been so excited. 
So for this morning Sadie and I will watch the birds, my mother's favorite past time.And have a nice hardy breakfast before work. If you still have your mom give her a big hug trust me you will be glad you did.
Tonight I am off to a cookie swap. I have been promised a mimosa mmmm and I get to see my women's group they are so fun. A great way to celebrate the Christmas season.
How are you celebrating the Christmas season?
Monday, December 13, 2010
My Christmas Tree
I am linking up with nesting place and once again linking up to house in the roses to show off my Christmas tree. I love my tree yes it is artificial first because my daughter was allergic and then even after she grew up and left I loved that I could keep it up as long as my heart desired. 
I have a mix of warm memories and glorious vintage. This is a picture of my daughter on her first Christmas. She is now 27 and waiting for her first baby any day now. My daughter took dance for a lot of years. This is an ornament for the first time we took her to the Wang center in Boston to see the Nutcracker. She was about 7 years old her big thrill was riding the escalator in the hotel. My little country girl. She sat on the edge of her chair the whole show. So mesmerize by the ballet.
And then there are the vintage ornaments. This soft large pink is so sweet.
This is another large ornament that is hand painted with sailors so sweet.
I use reproduction lighting on the tree and real old lead tinsel it feels warm and familiar. The angel on the top is a replacement from my childhood. My childhood angel was lost in a house fire that my parents had. From my house to yours a very merry Christmas.
Thank you for your visit, I enjoy reading your comments
Sunday, December 12, 2010
A Very Full Weekend
So I plan to snuggle in and watch old Christmas movies. The Christmas party was a great success. I am not sure if I ever said that my husband teaches at a tec high school. He teaches building trades. 2 of his coworkers brought guitars. one is a plumbing teacher, the other is the auto tec teacher. We sang carols sooooo wonderful! And ate amazing food that everyone brought.
On Saturday two friends and I went to a couple of Christmas open houses. They were selling craft items and antiques. This is the second house. She told us she plans to put it up for sale in the spring. It is in a small amazing New England town and the house is old but has been redone inside and out. Both of my friends turn to me and said you should buy this house. Well first I have a house, and second I want to be closer to my daughter and this would be 1/2 hour further away.
It is in the center of town, This what it over looks. I did buy a few things a Susan Branch Christmas book, a pair of tin sconces, and some yummy Russian tea that she mixes herself.
We made a few other stops and had lunch such a fun day. I got myself a few goodies along the way. a whole box of vintage ornaments for 6.00.
My best find was one more piece of the pottery I am collecting. Not good color in this picture but the top is a blue green and the bottom a chocolate brown.
My husband and I went Christmas shopping last night and parked in front of a supermarket was this coke truck. Amazing right! The whole side was light bulbs.
Most of my Christmas shopping is done I may pick up a few stocking things when we go away next weekend. We do not do a lot of Christmas shopping I buy all year at yard sales and thrift stores now before you gasp in horror it is something that my daughter and I set up last year, we loved it so much we did it again this year. For my two close friends we do the same. And you would be amazed at how many things I find with all the tags on them. Does it really matter where it comes from if it is new? It makes for a less stressful holiday. I hope your weekend was fun or relaxing. have a great day.
On Saturday two friends and I went to a couple of Christmas open houses. They were selling craft items and antiques. This is the second house. She told us she plans to put it up for sale in the spring. It is in a small amazing New England town and the house is old but has been redone inside and out. Both of my friends turn to me and said you should buy this house. Well first I have a house, and second I want to be closer to my daughter and this would be 1/2 hour further away.
It is in the center of town, This what it over looks. I did buy a few things a Susan Branch Christmas book, a pair of tin sconces, and some yummy Russian tea that she mixes herself.
We made a few other stops and had lunch such a fun day. I got myself a few goodies along the way. a whole box of vintage ornaments for 6.00.
My best find was one more piece of the pottery I am collecting. Not good color in this picture but the top is a blue green and the bottom a chocolate brown.
My husband and I went Christmas shopping last night and parked in front of a supermarket was this coke truck. Amazing right! The whole side was light bulbs.
Most of my Christmas shopping is done I may pick up a few stocking things when we go away next weekend. We do not do a lot of Christmas shopping I buy all year at yard sales and thrift stores now before you gasp in horror it is something that my daughter and I set up last year, we loved it so much we did it again this year. For my two close friends we do the same. And you would be amazed at how many things I find with all the tags on them. Does it really matter where it comes from if it is new? It makes for a less stressful holiday. I hope your weekend was fun or relaxing. have a great day.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Cleaning, decorating, and baking DONE
Well the party is tomorrow night I have worked myself to death and I pray they don't open a closet. I am as done as I will ever be and I am done baking,decorating, and cleaning, These are yeast rolls with cranberries.
this is one of my favorite christmas decorations. He is a needled felted santa. My daughter went to college in Rhode Island. Once when visiting we attended a holiday fair and I bought santa. He was very reasonable and handmade by a lady in town. After we left Ashley went back to the fair, got the name of the lady who felted him, and had her make me a mrs santa. The lady said "well I have never made one but for you I will give it a try" This is my favorite decoration! how could it not be? I have the most amazing daughter and she still amazes me everyday. Ok yes I am gushing. How could I not?
My kitchen tour a few people wished they could see out the window in the sitting area. I get to see the sun come up and have my coffee in the morning.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Party Time
Last weekend we went on a Christmas house tour put on by the local garden club. There were 5 houses decorated for the holiday in all different neighborhoods. We were not to take pictures. This was the first house and it was up for sale so all bets off. This is the only picture I got. While the inside was lovely it had all the original woodwork and it had a wonderful feel. I was a bit disappointed in the decorations. In fact all the houses were nice but decorations were very disappointing. The last house was amazing and I would gladly move in any day. It was large on 200 acres of orchards, high bush blueberries, horses and the most amazing view of Gunstock mountain. the house and the barn were built of brick. Even thought it was large it was homey and comfortable, just right. and the best decorated.
On the way home My husband said well you out do them in decorations. I think I go over the top a bit but I love it, so here is a little peek. This is a couple of branches from a tree in the yard stuck in the ice bucket I got at the thrift store not long ago. This holds all of my little gnomes.How could you not love this sweet face??
Or these two hiding behind the mushroom?
This cupboard is in the family room. When my husband's family were going to sell their long time home he said he wanted the cupboard in the basement. Well 3 men and a lot of work out it came. I had never seen it before. It was a mess but with a lot of elbow grease, I white washed the inside it came out pretty good. The first family member to come in the house asked where the cupboard was we pointed to it his words??? "Dam I wish I had taken it." some people can't see the beauty under the dirt. It is solid oak. and has adjustable shelves it was used to display shoes. My husband's grandfather was a cobbler. Oh well on with the decorations. I use it for my vintage santa collection.
This is my transportation shelf.
I am in full as my friend says party B---- mode. that is when you want the house to look great for people you only see once a year. and your stressed out about it.Ha True these are my husband's coworkers. One of them is my very good friend so she knows me flaws and all. One of the comments on my kitchen tour said something about everything in its place. I just moved the junk from one side to the other to take the pictures a great way to have a tour. Have a great weekend and thank you all for your wonderful comments.
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