I had the blessing of going to a hook- in this past weekend.

That would be my sweet hooking buddy and roommate on the right working on a gift rug with another amazing rug hooker.
This is what my roomie was working on for herself, a pretty great job!
Since I did not get permission to post the other rugs displayed. I am showing you the antique one that someone bought for 2.00, a very good buy.
It was snowing on my trip to Maine but the next day was sunny, windy but still nice. I took a bit of a walk. Where we stay use to be a shaker community at one time. It has changed into lots of different things and now some of the buildings are a homeless shelter, food pantry etc. But also a working orchard. those trees are old look how thick the trunks are I would love to return when they are in bloom.
The Mary statue/alter was hidden in the woods with trails going to it very peaceful.
This isn't really a little pond it is run off from the area so I am sure it drys up in the summer but nice all the same.
This was the rug that my roomie was working on as the gift, very nice.
And this sweet girl is full of so much fun! I enjoy her so much. She thinks all hookers need sheep pasties! Hummm I don't know about that.
We had wine and Massages, and more food and goodies than we needed. We laughed until our stomachs hurt, and yes there was some hooking going on. I learned several new things from the others and made the trip home feeling blessed that I have this wonderful craft in my life.
Have a great week!!!