Long time no blog. Since I have last blogged I went to a hook in. I know
Courtney has shown these but just a couple of my favorites.

The colors and hooking on these rugs are wonderful.
This rug I am totally lusting after. I have to hook this rug! But first I have to hook a rug for Miss Baby and
get my mojo back.
This is will be a chicken that has little wire feet and stands up.
I have had this pattern for years and decided now was the time.
This is how it did look before I unhooked it all! It is a 4 cut, I hate to work with a
small cut and the colors were awful. Since I have unhooked it I have rehooked about
3 different wools in. Now my theory is I never unhook anything. I leave it and move on.
Because this is what happens I am now at a point that nothing looks right.
Since no hooking mojo, I go on to finish the paper mache hearts I have started.
They did turn out kind of cute but getting there was a problem.
I hot glued my pants which I still can't get out.
when the hot glue hit my pants I dropped the glue gun on the floor and it
glued it's self to the floor.
I was unable to do any laundry over the weekend so between working,laundry,cleaning,and cooking not much else is getting done.
The library called to let me know the movie I wanted was in. I have not had the time to watch it.
by the time I am done everything at night I am so tired I go to bed. No movie yet.
The best thing that has happened to me is this wool! The flash could not get the right color it is a beautiful pink. Just waiting for me to make something for Miss baby. Thank you so much
Courtney! It was so nice to
see her and spend the day hooking.
So if anyone has seen my MOJO let me know.
Cause not much is getting done creatively around here.