Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Today I was suppose to go to rug hooking but it would not stop snowing! Soooo I cooked
Blueberry cake.

Made homemade meatballs and sauce ( that came out fabulous if I do say so myself!) And a loaf of sandwich bread.
I have been cleaning out the attic and found this Drip-o-lator coffee pot. I gave it a try and I like it better than single serve keruig. I have more control over how strong the coffee is.
Just put your coffee in pour hot water in. The down fall of cleaning out finding is goodies lol.

Husband bought a new ipad it is a steep learning curve, neither of us have ever had an apple product. He has some offers of help.
My partner in crime made this for me. So cozy and sweet.
A friend and I have massages booked for tomorrow AM.
I am so looking forward to that.
Have a wonderful week.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Planets Are Alined

These rugs were collected by Linda Bean the granddaughter of the original LL Bean. They are hanging in a restaurant named for her across the street from LL Bean's

I believe they were shown in a museum at one point. This is a cheticamp rug out of Cape Breton, Canada. 
Different angle.
This is a old Frost pattern.

For some reason I am always drawn to this type of rug. 
I have been feeling restless,unsettled. Maybe this is the problem. If the moon can pull the mighty tides, who is to say these planets can't have an affect on us?
I got out for a nice long walk, worked on a little stitching project. Feeling a bit better
We couldn't figure out what made these tracks....
And this crow came walking by looking for bread crumbs lol.
A trip to the thrift to drop off some things and a quick look around. 
The birch was in the original box. And a book I haven't read.

And a 96 in long table cloth in great shape for my table when the leaves are in. Total spent 5.50 a deal!

Tonight I wanted to use up left overs in a different way. I chopped up leftover meatloaf and made cheeseburger chowder, and used the leftover mashed potatoes to make biscuits. It turned out great and didn't seem like leftovers.
Back to yoga tomorrow, I have missed several. And back to rug hooking Wed if we don't get snow. Have a great week everyone!!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wintergarden Hook In 2

We haven't had cold snaps this cold in many years. The ice fishermen are dancing with joy. Bob houses are cropping up everywhere.
Hanging out in my rug room with a heating pad.

Color planning my next rug. The colors are out of my wheel house.
I was early for a hair cut so I walked through the book store next door. I treated myself.
We got about 5 inches of fresh fluffy snow,a perfect time to clean a few rugs 
Leaving to dry before I put it back in place.
Some of the rugs being worked on. This is from a children's book.

This rug is huge and I love it great colors!
The center is a piece is a dyed piece and she is hooking around it.
I really like this piece great job!

I went to the eye Dr today. We had a chat about my styes and cause.
BLEPHARITIS:it is a problem with the oil glands of the eyelids. So warm compresses and daily cleaning with baby shampoo should help. Ugg one more thing that has cropped up! But as things go it could of been way worse.
Have a great week and stay warm!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Winter Garden Hook In

I came home yesterday just before the snow started to fly.
It felt good to be unpacked and in my pjs. I love going away but I really love coming home. 
And this is my partner in crime and roommate.

We stayed at the Hilton Garden inn, Freeport Me. Nancy our hostess did things up right. We had free Margarita night. And a 150.00 llbean door prize every day,and I won one yahoo! 
This was my roommate's first primitive rug. She was loving it!
Here are a few of the rugs at the throw down. This is from a picture of the hooker and her sister when they were little.
I hope you can see the name tags on some of the rugs. 

This is a Michelle Palmer pattern. Her patterns are so wonderful!
And this is my rug. I still need to fix the deer horns but it is almost done! I can't wait to move on.
There are always vendors at hook ins and I just had to have these warm wooly mittens. Made from recycled sweater. But other than that I didn't buy anything else.
I have so much more to show you so please visit again soon.
  Have a wonderful week!