Today I was suppose to go to rug hooking but it would not stop snowing! Soooo I cooked
Blueberry cake.
Made homemade meatballs and sauce ( that came out fabulous if I do say so myself!) And a loaf of sandwich bread.
I have been cleaning out the attic and found this Drip-o-lator coffee pot. I gave it a try and I like it better than single serve keruig. I have more control over how strong the coffee is.
Just put your coffee in pour hot water in. The down fall of cleaning out finding is goodies lol.
Husband bought a new ipad it is a steep learning curve, neither of us have ever had an apple product. He has some offers of help.
My partner in crime made this for me. So cozy and sweet.
A friend and I have massages booked for tomorrow AM.
I am so looking forward to that.
Have a wonderful week.