Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Bone Tired

I bought this begonia for my little wagon. The humming birds love it.

The lady slippers are in full color. I don't dare do any thing around them as they are very rare to have pop up in your yard. 

Sweet woodruff

This begonia my daughter gave me several years ago for mother's day I have been able to winter it over.

Lily of the valley
My fairy lilies given to me by a friend. 
I have been working so hard on my gardens and all the spring cleaning. 

I took all of our fans apart and cleaned them. Whew do we have lots of fans! No air conditioning except a window unit in the bedroom.
It was quite a job!

I was cleaning the bathroom and my foot hit the bathroom scale and it hit the bottom of the toilet and shattered every where!! It took forever to clean it up. To make sure I got every bit of glass!!

The moon had a spooky look last night. Getting ready for the full moon on Thursday. 
I will close with this I picked some dandelions that were closed up,put them in a little vase and under glass. I am going to make a sign "Break glass in case of emergency!!!!"
You never know when you might have a really important wish. 
I wish you all safe from the storms and a great holiday weekend!


kathyinozarks said...

Good evening, beautiful post Cathy lovely flowers-never thought of those glass scales breaking like that-I will be careful with mine.
didn't realize another full moon was coming up.
I just finished writing you a slow mail letter tonight-will go out tomorrow
Hugs Kathy

Granny Marigold said...

I haven't heard of Fairy lilies but will be on the lookout for them. So sweet.
You wouldn't think the scale would shatter like that.
Have a great rest-of-the-week 💗💗

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness the dandelions looks surreal the way the spikes play around in that light! Wow!

Marcia said...

You have been busy. We got the fans out last night, too hot upstairs to sleep, no AC here either. Love the dandelion display and the message.

Chatty Crone said...

I have air conditioning, but I still need a fan to sleep.
You are really getting through you spring cleaning in and out.
I love all your flowers - another gardening friend.
Gosh that scale - how dangerous. Be careful of glass for a couple more days!

Marie Smith said...

Love the blooms. Spring is a busy time. A favourite season!

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

The lady slippers are lovely...and how do you overwinter your begonia? That's an art I'd like to try! And oh cleaning ARE deep cleaning, no wonder you're tired! (I try to look the other way on those!!)

Rugs and Pugs said...

Your plants all look to very happy and healthy!
I have never taken a fan apart to clean it...nor do I intend!
Happy you just broke the scale and not your toe, but what a mess to clean up.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wonderful photographs
Lady Slippers are mysterious creatures.
Fan cleaning is a weekly task here. My allergies know the second too much dust collects on the blades.

Debbie said...

the flowers are lovely and colorful, it is such a wonderful time of year for color in the gardens! i have not cleaned my fans yet but i surely need to do it. i have central ac but still use fans!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Things are certainly blooming and beautiful at Acorn Hollow. Lily of the Valley is one my favorites - they were one of the main flowers in my wedding. I used to have them planted along our garage but they started heaving up the sidewalk and even coming up in the garage and eventually got removed during WWR, never to be replaced sadly. I just don't have a place where they can be contained. Those fairy lilies are so fun! I've not seen them before that I recall. And the dandelions under glass are fantastic! So precious! ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

Great blooming flowers My lily of the valley are just popping up. We are late here this year. Ugh on breaking the scale. Yes you needed to make sure all the glass was picked up. Janice

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yard work can be exhausting, Cathy, and coupled with spring cleaning even more so. The blooms are lovely. We had so many lily of the valley flowers at our NJ home and the scent was intoxicating in the spring. Now, you won't have to be concerned about getting on a scale, but sorry for that mishap, which of course meant more work cleaning up the glass remnants (sigh). The dandelions under glass was something I had never seen done.

Jeanie said...

I'm confused. Where did the glass come from? Did the toilet shatter or the scale (looks like the scale, but is it a glass scale? Or did a glass drop?) In any event, it looks like a mess -- and how is your foot from hitting it?

I'm so glad it has warmed up enough for your to plant. The red begonia is a dazzler but it's all lovely. I love the Lily of the Valley -- now ours are dried up. Well done on the fan cleaning!

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

yaya said...

I bet your yard and all the blooming is truly magical! It's work to keep up with everything and I'm sure you're wondering how you ever did it and worked too. My schedule at work has been light and I've also been working outdoors and getting things as spruced up as possible for the beginning of the summer season. We've had some remodeling done in our upper bath and it's almost done so I can finally do the real spring cleaning! I hope your weather is good. We're under a tornado warning as I speak but thankfully it seems to be heading away from us. Take care Cathy! Oh, I love the dandelions kept safe for wishing! Such a sweet idea!