For some reason I have not been able to get out of my own way!!!
I sit on my phone wayyyyy too much scrolling. Yesterday I did something about it. I signed up for a watercolor class at the end of the month.
I signed up for 2, three-day rug hooking classes one in April with Michelle Palmer, so excited about this class she is an amazing teacher!!! And in November with Joann Page. She is new to me, but I love her work that I see online.
And I soaked some wool ....
Read a book....
And dyed some wool!
And more wool...
And some more wool!! I am very pleased with the results. I could never do the same colors again, but I love what I have done, and I am using some of it already. I have more wool soaking for another round of dying tomorrow.
I also checked out the local senior center. I saw their newsletter online and they had a couple of classes I was interested in that were on going. rug braiding, painting and maybe a card game or two.
I was talking to the receptionist, and I never saw so many rude women in my life. I was beginning to wonder if I was invisible. Reaching past, me, interrupting like I wasn't there etc etc. And the "classes" not really. It was chaos! I was beyond frustrated and knew this was not for me. But before I left, I visited their little thrift store(room). I bought a box of 8 glasses made in France and an all-wool scarf for 4.00 and called it a good.
Today I got myself together and headed for rug hooking class with Pam. Such a wonderful group and it was Pam's birthday, so I brought cake. The woman sitting beside me and I were talking about what we were dishing out $$ for rug hooking this year for classes and retreats. She made me laugh so hard when she said I told my kids all I plan on leaving them is the change left on the table lol.
My Sweet B has been so sick with the flu and now her mom and her other grandmother have it too. Weekend plans I had with my daughter will be cancelled but spring is coming!
Snow is coming in tonight and into tomorrow. The worst part is the icing that is coming on top of it. Then Saturday there is another storm coming Saturday night into most of Sunday with even more snow and more icing. Then there are high wind warnings too. We are tucked in with the generator at the ready and plenty of food.
Have a great weekend!