So we got more snow on Saturday another 12inches. This is my poor porch and yes I am missing sitting on it. As you can see the snow is over the railing. I am so very sorry about the snow in California just how do you even deal with that??
I did finish one rug slowly but surely. I will start in on my witch very soon.
When I showed a picture of sweet B this rug was in the background.
It was the 3rd rug I hooked. No label (still not good with that) So if anyone knows who pattern this is let me know.
Remember this picture of my rug room? And someone wanted to know what was behind the chair.....
It is not pretty but it is my closet of bins of smaller pieces of wool.
And now you know everything lol.
I am going to take a break from hooking just a bit ok maybe longer. I have had this pattern for a few years, and it scares the bejeepers out of me just the list of fabric yikes. But I am brave I will soldier on.
For my very glamours job I get to go to the recycling center once a week. I stumbled on a stack of magazine!! Wo yes! I will read them, my daughter will read them, and then her close friend will read them, and she will pass them on. There is nothing like a shiny magazine and a steaming cup of tea! Right Kathy S?
Now before you think I dug them out of a dumpster think again they have a lovely bookcase you put your unwanted books and magazines on for others to take. Yes please!
After shoveling and eating dinner Saturday I felt very tired just out of sort. Well holy moly I was down for the count for 48 hours I was so sick and felt so beat up. The second day I knew I didn't have covid
but I truly thought I had the full flu so off to the doctor to hopefully get meds nope not the flu. Some very nasty virus. I never ran a fever, but I ached from my hair to my toenails. My poor husband did not know what to do He just kept saying" drink please drink". He was bringing me anything he thought I would drink. I just wanted to roll up in a quilt and die! I have not been that sick in a very long time. But I am better just tired I think I need an extra day home.

I cannot believe I would tell my mother I can't wait to be older.
She would shrug and said it's not as much fun as you think.
She was right but sometimes it is really fun!