In spite of the rain my gardens are doing pretty well.
We have had so many hazy days from the smoke out west.
It always amazes me just how much it dims our sun when we do have sun.
On the dryer days I have gardened a lot!!
The weeds got a very big head start on me so I worked hours the past couple of days and yes I found a buddy!! A great buddy for the gardens good bug eater and no snakes ick I hate them!!
The past couple of Weds we have gone to concerts on the common.
Always nice on a summer night to listen to a live band. This band played all 60s.
My zucchini is starting to come in, good thing as I am not sure about my tomatoes this year, I don't think we have had enough sun for them to ripen.
This is baked stuffed zucchini sooo good and husband likes it too.
I also made zucchini muffins, I threw a handful of blueberries in.
Very good and perfect with your morning coffee.
I got an early birthday gift from my sweet B (granddaughter). She felt I needed a place for my glasses at night. His name is ziggy and I promise to take very good care of him.
Ok around these parts we call this a clicker aka a flame thrower.
Well I have no idea if it is me or the child proof thing has gone completely over the top, but I now cannot light it with one hand!
and if I have anything even remotely slippery on my hand it is a impossible! I am going back to the old fashion wooden matches I have had enough.
I saw this and thought of the last post and just how loud then are.
Have a wonderful week!