Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Gifts from friends

 Yes you guessed it more snow.
The snowbanks in out little cul-de-sac are 3 1/2 to 4 ft high.

I worked on a little thing for valentines day not sure I am done with it yet. The wood is drift wood from Maine.

My sweet friend gave me this wine carrier. It has a corkscrew and a couple of glasses. When I went away recently I forgot the corkscrew and no one had one they were all drinking mixed drinks. 

A few more pictures from the hook-in. 

This rug I am crazy over. 
Jenny N thought this rug up and she will have a working clock in the middle of this rug. And lots of real clock gears here and there all over the rug.

This rug has a 3D effect it was sculptured. 
A pretty mermaid.

This pattern is from Deanne Fitzpatrick in Canada. 

I found my ear buds and charged them up. Found my libby app for a free audio book.
It has made all the difference. I have gotten more done not much scrolling. I am listening to a lousie Penny book. Just perfect......
We had a busy day. I had an eye appointment then we shopped Aldi's (we don't have one near us) then out to lunch. And then tonight out to dinner. ( we had an amazing coupon that was expiring lol) I am over fed and tired. I have snuggley socks my friend knit me I am all tucked in!.
Have a wonderful week.


Saundra said...

I love that "Time" piece too!!!! Very talented hookers you have in your group. Great socks and the ribbing is nice and not too tight.

Marie Smith said...

Love the socks and from a friend makes them extra cozy!

Dicky Bird said...

Love the look of all the rugs. Knit socks - my favorite! I'm in Wisconsin and our snow is almost gone. I am sure more is on the way - it is winter after all.

Jeanie said...

That first photo looks like Narnia! Oh, I love those socks -- what a good friend you have! And your heart on driftwood. That's lovely.

Julia said...

I love that Time rug too. Those knitted socks are the best. They keep you warm this winter. Yesterday we were in a deep freeze and today it's much warmer. Still cold at -3 C. or 26.6F. but I can't complain. My potatoes in the cold room are starting to sprout and it's too early as spring is still quite some time away. I think the animals, the birds, and now the vegetables are

Stay safe and warm. Hugs.

Rugs and Pugs said...

That is a LOT of snow!!!
Great rugs. So much talent out there.
Oh those socks are just wonderful and so cozy looking.

Hill Top Post said...

Wow, so much snow! Makes our 4 inches look rather puny! I am rather envious of those gorgeous knitted socks!

TheCrankyCrow said...

That clock rug is all kinds of fun....but not fun hooking all those words LOL. Lunch and dinner out...lucky you. It's like being on vacation. Love your gifts...but those socks are the best. I don't think I've ever had a pair of hand knitted socks. I wish I could get into audio books and/or kindle, etc. I am going through books way too quickly and my stacks are growing. But I have to have a physical book in hand. :- ~Robin~

yaya said...

Fun gifts and beautiful rugs and lots of snow! The gifts are great but I'm glad we don't have the snow. It was 50de today and we had actual sunshine! Hadn't had that in many weeks. Your socks are adorable and they remind me of the knitted slippers my Grandma used to make me. So cozy! Sounds like you had a great day with lunch and dinner. Doesn't retirement feel like a weekend all week? I'm working tomorrow but have been home the rest of this week. Felt good to just relax. Have a great "real" weekend!

Prims By The Water said...

Your heart is so sweet! We had 4 inches of snow this week. Kudos for you for being able to read. I have no time. Speaking of time, this is the first clock rug I have seen. Folks sure do have lots of imagination for hooking rugs. Janice

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

I am wishing for some of that snow, it is definitely not a good old-fashioned winter here this year! Your socks look warm and cozy and listening to an audiobook is the perfect way to spend these slower days.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I am a bit envious that you have more snow as much of our is going away quickly. I do so enjoy listening to an audio book and/or podcasts using ear buds and those socks look so comfy. The clock rug is very unusual and creative.

WoolenSails said...

You really got a lot of snow, ours didn't last, but happy to see the sun again.
Checked out all the rugs from the hook in, a lot of beautiful rugs and designs.
