Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Very Fun Time!

We have a game camera out by our shed and look who is waiting for some unsuspecting squirrel to hop by a pretty nice bobcat. 

My poor car took a beating going to Maine on Wed morning.
I was suppose to go Tuesday but we had snow and I needed to to be home to shovel the deck and stairs as husband still had some pneumonia left in his lungs. ( His xray came back as non left thank goodness!)
I started out Wed morning and when I got to the Maine line it looked like they hadn't plowed ugg it was slow going for awhile.

I made it to Maine in one piece! I will show a few rugs as I could go on for ages but this is just a few. This one she was down to background she was mixing a few colors I really like it. 

This is being hooked by Janice she told me the burlap was so stiff she put it in warm water a few times to rinse and soften it up. I was shocked I thought it would make the burlap fall apart. She said no and has done it before. Amazing work. 

This one she was working on the braiding for the border. 

This is being done my roommate and sweet friend Donna!
Her husband was a mechanic most of his life and this is for their bedroom purple and blue gears. 

This is an antique rug reproduction she tried to stick close to the original rug colors. But she didn't like the border and was going to bind it as is.  

This was being done by Gail all she had to do was the sky.

Kathy from Vermont did this santa and I had never seen her finish before. she used silicone calk and then she could cut it close to the end of the hooking and put the strips to match each section I loved it! She said it was an idea in a rug hooking magazine years ago. 
I will have more rugs to show you next time. 

I was in Freeport Maine so on my way home I stopped at a vintage store. I thought this hankie would be so sweet for valentines day or Easter. Tuck it up your sleeve for a vintage look. And that little book has all kinds of fun things. Recipes, good dates, bad dates etc so cute. I am going to put it in my giveaway basket.

I am going to have quite a basket to give away. 
Go to this post ."Give Away" to put your name in. (Yes I have seen each of your entries blogger is not playing nice with me)
You have to be a follower and I will draw it on Jan 27th and announce it the 28th. Don't be left out!
We are in the deep freeze I don't think we got higher than 17f today brrrrr but it is winter and we have plenty of snow. We have the woodstove and the fireplace in the family room going. I am staying away from husband for the next few days incase I came home with something. 
We had so much fun at the hook-in we laughed and ate and had cocktails. I feel very blessed to have this hobby that allows me to meet such wonderful women and have such fun. I got into a class in April so excited for that more later. 
Stay warm everyone and have a great week!


Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

I have never seen a bobcat – the ones here are in the southern part of the state – it is beautiful, but I’m not sure how comfortable that would make me!! it sounds like you had a great time and the designs are beautiful - I love the antique reproduction - too pretty to use! It sounds like you’re staying warm and cozy – enjoy the wee!

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

sorry - that’s week!

Saundra said...

A thoughtful wife to stay home and shovel instead of arriving early for the retreat! I love hankies and actually use them instead of Kleenex. It all started after my Godmother gave me a couple of my grandmother's to remember her by after she died.
Oh my I'm still concerned for the longevity of the beautifully started burlap hooked rug.
So many things you talked about and now can't remember what else I wanted to comment on.
Glad you had a wonderful time away with like minds.

Prims By The Water said...

We knew someone a long time ago who had rescued a baby bobcat and kept it for a pet. Not something I would do, but it was cool seeing it in the truck as it took truck rides with the owner. Sweet rugs. So much talent out there. Glad hubby is feeling better. My grands and daughter all had covid last week. UGH Janice

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Prayers for you husband's health
Beautiful hooking, all of them
Neat photo of the bobcat!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

So so nice to hear from you, Cathy. I loved your post...all of the needlework is amazing, and I will definitely sign up for your giveaway! We have also been in a deep freeze here in Oregon. In fact, my daughter, husband and two little boys had to stay with us for a couple of days due to lack of power at their home. It was Grandma time full gear! :)

moosecraft said...

Love that blue and yellow rug! And that sweet! Great ways to add some happiness to the winter days... hope your hubby is feeling better....and that the only thing you brought home was wool! :-)

Marie Smith said...

You were brave to go on your adventure with the roads as they were! Beautiful work!

Dicky Bird said...

Bobcat! We have had one on the trail cam in the woods several years ago. All the rug projects are lovely. I don't like driving in all that either. Glad your husband is on the upswing.

TheCrankyCrow said... the bobcat! We used to see them quite often growing up...but I don't see them much here. Perhaps because I don't wander as much. Wow...lots of beautiful rugs. The fine shading always impresses me...mind you, not enough to try it as I know my limitations LOL. I was at a hooking workshop down the road last week but failed to take many photos. We are supposed to finally start warming up here but, of course, that means more snow. Wanna come shovel?? ;-) ~Robin~

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you made it to and from Maine safely. It looks like it was a wonderful day filled with creativity, friends and good food. I'm glad your husband's pneumonia is easing, though it still may take some time to feel at full strength. It's a nasty disease and I'm glad it's time is over! I'm glad you could get out and really enjoy! We all deserve a good day like that!

Julia said...

That floral rug with the scrolls looks so intricate, and so many beautiful rugs.
I'm glad you made it to the rug hooking event and returned home safely.

You have a lot of wildlife around your home and probably you wouldn't have known that a Bobcat lived in your area if it wasn't for the cam. We have cayotes and I don't like to go out in the yard at night.

Take care.
Hugs, Julia

Rugs and Pugs said...

Such talent!!! I have not hooked on burlap but from what I have heard, I would never hook such a beautiful, intricate rug on a backing that might not stand the test of time.
So happy hubby was well enough for you to go hook. It is good for the soul.
I hope you have more rugs to share and will show us your project.
That bobcat is pretty cool not that I want one in my yard. I have never seen one.

Granny Marigold said...

Could that "nice" bobcat be a problem for any kitties? I forget, do you have cats, and if so, are they strictly inside cats?

Anonymous said...

No cats or pets of any kind and yes he would be an issue for them and chickens but none of those either.

Anonymous said...

All the rugs are just amazing, love that you share them. Glad you had such a lovely time. Take care and stay warm.
xo, V.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That bobcat certainly is a lovely animal and wonder if it ever caught a meal. Nice to read about your rug hooking weekend and to see all the lovely projects, Cathy. Also good to read that you made it safely there and home and thay your husband is feeling better. We are having a winter event today in Nashua, NH, with a bit of snow and cold temps.

DeniseinVA said...

I would be very excited to see a bobcat on my trail cam. Loved all the rugs. Sounds like a wonderful time you had. I also hope your husband feels better.