Saturday, March 6, 2010

wonderful day

The sun is shining and it's warm for here. What a beautiful day. After I took a walk I coffee stained some tags. They came out great and I love them. While I was doing that I had stripped the beds and washed some of the linens and hung them on the clothes line. They smell so sunny and nice. (We still have snow on the ground as you can see.)

Then off thrifting. there is a new group antique shop I wanted to see. I collect a pottery that is brown on the outside and a bluish green on the inside. I belive it is called country tyme. I found this covered platter for a song! I just love it and would never find another one in a long time. I sent a picture to a friend who collects it also. I put the ruler so she could see how big. But it still dosen't look right the inside where the cover sits is 12"long.

So I am off to enjoy the last of my beautiful day I believe another walk is the perfect way.

1 comment:

Reduce, Reuse and Rummage said...

Nice Find! It looks like you had a good sun-shiny day there.