Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Use Up, Make Do

This is not a very good picture, but I would love to tell you. 
how I used up some leftovers.
I had mac and cheese, chicken salad, focaccia bread, and a couple of tablespoons of whipped ricotta cheese.
I made a casserole with these leftovers!
I layered the mac and cheese on the bottom, I mixed the ricotta cheese in and a little milk to make it looser.
Next layer I put the chicken salad. (It was a pretty basic chicken salad
I baked the breasts with French herbs all over them and once baked, I ground it in the food processor with some mayo and salt and pepper.)
Then I took the focaccia and put it in the food processor to make breadcrumbs. In the oven at 375 for about 20-25 min voila! Husband loved it!!! So don't throw those leftovers away make a casserole.  

And speaking of leftovers I have a few of these left.
I think I am going to chunk them up and make cookies.
(Although I see the exp date is Dec 2025. Do I save them for next year? Yikes!)

Red skies in the morning.... We are supposed to get 12 to who knows how many inches of snow!

We are tucked in waiting for the first flakes to fly. The woodstove is humming along, and I have a beef stew in mind for dinner with homemade biscuits. The winds are starting to blow. We do have a generator thankfully if we lose power.  You know I always wonder about the people before us when there were no weather forecasts. April comes along and they think time for cleaning out from the winter and a huge storm hits! Life was surely hard.

My germaniums are so happy and waiting to be put outside.
I need to get the rest of them in soil so when the good weather does come, they will be ready.  

On my walk yesterday I saw my neighbor doing holly tone on some of her shrubs. She has wonderful gardens, so she spurred me on. I bought some this morning on my way home from an early dentist appointment and got it put out before the snow started. It makes me hopeful for spring. 

We have Britbox streaming service and they have British gardens streaming right now. So interesting and then they take you to other countries to see their gardens. They just showed some Dutch gardens so interesting!
Excuse me while I trade my coffee for a nice pot of tea.

I am going to embroider some tea towels. We have bluebirds getting ready to nest so I thought this would be a sweet towel to stitch. 
Well, my sweet friends thank you so much for all your visits.
I do hope you are all safe from the horrid storms we saw on the news this morning. I will give you an update on the snow totals later. 
But the really good news is the weather will start to turn they are talking high 50s and 60s this coming week. And we will be clear to see the eclipse. 
I have sweet friends coming for a few days while we all take a rug hooking class, I am so looking forward to seeing them, hugging them and laughing until we cry. 
Have a great week!


Saundra said...

You were quite creative with your leftovers. I'd love it if Brit Box was on the list of my available channels but I'm not paying for yet another service so will do without.
I've received tornado warnings for this area until 10 p.m. tonight. Sure hope it passes me without a touchdown.

Marie Smith said...

Great idea for a casserole. And different from the previous day’s meal.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

You may be snowed in, but you are so, so busy! The casserole is such a good idea...don't you love it when things like that come together? Oh and beef stew and biscuits sounds absolutely wonderful...perfect on a frosty day. I think after a meal like that, the warmth of the woodstove, and snowflakes outside, I'd be asleep in no time at all! Keep us posted on how much snow you that unusual for April?

Julia said...

I love your idea of the left-over casserole. I think I would call it Mac N' Cheese Supreme. It looks yummy.

I sure hope that you are spared an extra measure of snow. My son watches those Brit shows.
Your geranium looks so healty and vigorous. Good job keeping it going all this time.Take care and hang in there.
Hugs, Julia

Rugs and Pugs said...

I got my geraniums out of the fruit cellar and it looks like they are starting to grow. This is a first for me...inspired by you. I only have a red and a pink and need to get them in to some soil. Hopefully mine will be half as good as yours.
Praying for good weather for the eclipse. I am almost directly at the centerline. So exciting.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your casserole looks and sounds yummy. Can't go wrong with a mac n cheese base. (Although beef sounds really good too.). I hope your snow didn't end up double like it did here. We were only to get 1-3" but ended up with almost 6" and horrible winds. Then freezing rain and sleet this afternoon and tonight. Lucky you to be able to have a good view of the eclipse and fair weather. We are only in the "partial" path (think it was about 75-80%??) but, surprise, surprise (not), it's supposed to be cloudy so we won't even see that most likely. ~Robin~ (You have to stop showing those awesome potholders of yours....they are SO good and you're really making me want to fall down another rabbit hole.)

Hill Top Post said...

Perfect timing for the garden programs. Enjoy the snow for it won’t stick around long. It will probably be cloudy here for the eclipse. Too bad for we are right on track for a good show.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It’s a spring nor’easter outside as I am posting this comment and you are surely getting even more from this storm than here in Nashua, NH. So glad we are also having a leftovers dinner of meatloaf. Your leftover casserole sounded very original.

Chatty Crone said...

You are one busy gal with bright ideas. I never in a million years would think up that casserole but it sounded pretty good. Didn't see any rice Krispies with a chocolate bunny either - lol.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

A great week to you!

The chocolate will be on sale next year. Make cookies!

yaya said...

Yikes! So much snow your way! Our friends in Maine are slammed too. I know you'll love those warmer temps and hopefully that will end your snow. We had snow flakes today and again tomorrow but no accumulation. Next week they are calling for 60's and even a 70 or 2. I sure hope that my apple trees and such won't blossom out and then get froze as we usually have more cold weather in April. Your casserole sounds so yummy! I just squeezed the final ham into omelets yesterday. I hate throwing food away. We're hoping for a peak at the eclipse as we're in the path but clouds could put a damper on it. Have a good weekend Cathy!

DeniseinVA said...

This is a real nice post :) Very much enjoyed, thank you! Your meal sounded delicious and I am sure the broken up Easter Bunny cookies will be a real treat! Have a great weekend!

Jeanie said...

Did you get nailed with the storm? It sounds like it was brewing for you but your menu seemed just perfect! In fact, all the food looked great. I got the boys those Rice Crispy chocolate bunnies and i wish I'd bought one for me! The cookies are a great idea!

Keep cozy and good luck!

Granny Marigold said...

I hope that storm didn't affect you too much. Hopefully any snow now will soon melt. The April sun is beginning to have real warmth ( when it shines, which it hasn't done much out here).
I don't thin k we had those Rice Krispie chocolate bunnies here. They look good.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully the weather has warmed up and spring is on the horizon.

WoolenSails said...

I tend to take leftovers to make new dishes and always make bread crumbs with the leftover biscuits. I can imagine the traffic up there and with the snow, it must be a mess. I am happy to watch from home. It looks like you had a nice Easter and that vase is a nice find.
