Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Where Did My Day Go??

I roll out of bed at 7:30 an hour later than I like. Husband and I curl up in the sun with our coffee. Discussing everything in the world and watch the birds. I am on messenger with my 3 sweet friends most mornings and scrolling fb and IG.
We both dress he heads for the gym I prefer a walk. I meet a neighbor we catch up and the conversation goes to choices we make at this point in life. Do we take the med with the side effects or not etc. She was a college professor I was a bookstore manager. It all comes to the same decisions in life. A big conversation on the side of a little country road.
I head out after my walk to shop for a sofa. I finally find one!Yes deliver and take the old one away! I am to old to be moving heavy furniture.
I meet a friend for a long lunch.
Make plans with another friend to to help her organize her wool tomorrow. 
Do laundry,clean a bit,dinner,etc. 
As I lay down I think about my day. Boy it went fast. That sums up my retirement days mostly. It's a good life no big adventures needed. 
Have a wonderful week


Chatty Crone said...

I love this - my retirement is the same. I love it personally. And I feel grateful for every day. You had a great day.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

It sounds ideal - everything at your pace and what you choose to spend the day doing. I love that you meet up with friends - thats the best way to solve the world’s problems! Tomorrow? Rinse and repeat!

Julia said...

I love the title of your post. I feel the same. It sounds like you had a good day. My retirement is so different than yours. I now have less heavy physical work to do every day but on the other hand, I have more responsibility to take care of, especially now that my husband needs more of my help 24/7 to run the business, his health, and the household. I'm constantly trying to tie loose ends. Getting old isn't easy.

My place of mini rests is at the computer. Enjoy your retirement while you can. I shouldn't complain as I sleep well at night. I'm usually up early like you except when too tired.

Hugs, Julia

Rugs and Pugs said...

Cathy...I told you that retirement is THE BEST!!! It sounds like you have adjusted to the new normal very well. I ask myself every day where the day went. I am busy all the time and the hours just fly by. I love life ;-)

Marie Smith said...

My kind of day! A good one by the sound of it.

kathyinozarks said...

sounds perfect

Jeanie said...

You think the days go fast? Just wait till the year has flown by and you wonder where it went!

Saundra said...

Ditto what everyone else said about retirement.

TheCrankyCrow said...

This post oozes contentment - and everything retirement should be about. It sounds like a very good day, and a very good life, indeed. ~Robin~

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy new sofa!
The last photo is gorgeous! I thought at first it is the view from you kitchen sink.

Dicky Bird said...

You are right on with the "I need to take these pills, but the side effects are crippling me" I'm going through that right now. Statins - I had no idea, many of my symptoms I have been seeing were side effects.... Sounds like an enjoyable day.

Lady Locust said...

Sounds like a perfect day.
Also, my phone won't let me comment on here so if you see me more than once nosing through, it's because I've come back to blabber 😂

Prims By The Water said...

Statins are the worst. Cannot wait until I retire...will get up when the sun shines on me...not 5 or 7. LOL Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

Retirement sounds lovely. I am really looking forward to it!

RÔ - MEU DIÁRIO said...

Gostei muito. Vou seguir seu blog. Parabéns.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It sounds like you had a good day from start to finish, Cathy. Sometimes we don't have to do a lot of things all at once, just a few at a time. Starting the day watching birds and talking with your husband, going for a walk, buying a new sofa, lunching with a friend...all sound like good things to have spent a day doing.

Donna said...

I told you you'd love it! Sounds like you had the perfect day! Cherish each of them. Looking forward to seeing you.♡♡

Bonnie K said...

Love the post. Sounds like a good way to spend the day.