Monday, February 26, 2024

A Day Late And.....

Some mornings I just get a bit over exuberant with my foam.
Who can finish my  post title? Or maybe it was just something my family made up? They were full of little sayings. 

Friday I met up with my sweet friend. We shopped our favorite thrift store,went out to lunch, and for a short walk. This waterfall was roaring.

A bit of cooking. I made individual chicken pot pies 
Thinking leftovers would be easier to freeze. Yes they were and the pies came out very tasty. 

My brother in law and his wife invited us for a new england boiled dinner. My favorite meal. Husband likes it but not the leftovers it creates and really for 2 people not a good choice. But there were 8 of us so perfect!!!! I made rolls but they over proofed a bit while I was walking the dog. They still tasted great. 
A full moon this week it was bright orange when it came through the trees. 
There have been military helicopters around training in our mountains they fly so low my suncatchers on the window rock back and forth hitting the window. One of the soldiers on the helicopter that went down in California killing 3 was from Southern NH. He was laid to rest yesterday, so sad.
The news lately has been more than I can take. I decided to shut it off for this coming week.

We are overcast today but 40s. Yesterday's walk was freezing. I think I will clean a bit today and tuck myself away to hook this afternoon. 
Have a wonderful week!


Saundra said...

The saying I'm familiar with is "a day late and a dollar short".
Every time I see on the news or hear on the radio about a military or police office killed it shakes me to the core.

TheCrankyCrow said...

"A day late and a dollar short" was one of both my dad's and my mum's favorite sayings...and I find myself using it still as well LOL. Very common in these parts. Oooo, your little pot pies look sooo good. I bet the rolls were nice and airy. I made the KA recipe for small batch cinnamon rolls and was disappointed in the rise. Guess I will stick with my tried and true recipe and just cut it back the best I can. And, yes, the moon was amazing. I love those nights when it is so bright you could walk without any lights and see clearly. One night we had an amazingly clear ring around it. My mum always said that meant a weather change for the worse. Sure enough, within a day and a half cold weather moved in. It only lasted a few days though and now we are back to extremely mild temps although the winds (35+ mph) so it doesn't feel as temperate as it is. Happy Monday.... ~Robin~

Lauren said...

Yup! A day late and a dollar short is a saying in Ohio, too.
The moon was amazing this past week.
Prayers for the soldiers who perished and especially for their families. Freedom isn’t free.
God Bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Rugs and Pugs
(I can now comment on some blogs from my iPad but only my name comes up and not Rugs and Pugs. I just don’t understand…lol.)

Debbie said...

i am a day late and a dollar short as well!! everything looks so good, i love those little pot pies!!

Prims By The Water said...

A day late and a dollar short. It was in the mid 50's today and the forecast is for possible tornadoes tomorrow. Say it isn't so. I hate bad storms...and for February so unusual. The moon was amazing over here too last night! So sad to hear about the helicopter pilot. Janice

Marie Smith said...

The news can be unbearable. I stay away until the news at supper time.

yaya said...

As everyone has said: A dollar short. That describes me perfectly! Especially this week. Dog visit to the appointment...expensive...eggs...expensive..well, you get it! Your rolls look really good but I don't know what a New England boil is. Our weather was perfect today. My car said it was 62! The sun was shining brightly and felt so good after the little snow storm we had on Saturday morning. All gone now! Enjoy the rest of your week!

WoolenSails said...

Your dishes look delicious. I make pot pies but large ones, we eat it all up. I have not had good luck with freezing dishes, need to figure out how for camping. I can imagine all the falls will be roaring this year, with the rain and snow, so hoping to get out for some trips to waterfall areas. We are near an old base and they do weekend training, so we get the big ones, flying over at times.


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Sad for the loss of a good person
The pies look fantastic!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Those little pot pies look so good! I have never thought of making little pies in a muffin pan. Great idea! So sad about the soldier who was killed in the helicopter crash. I agree with you about the news. It all seems to be so upsetting. So glad you were able to meet up with a friend for lunch and a thrift store trip. I hope you have a good week! See you again soon!

Granny Marigold said...

The little pot pies look cute and I'm sure they were delicious.
I can almost hear the roaring of that waterfall. Waterfalls are so amazing!!!
Have a lovely peaceful week 💗

DeniseinVA said...

A thoroughly enjoyable read, thank you so much. Wishing you a great week!

J. S. Vila said...

A hot White coffee for breakfast with a cake ever is good early in the mornings. Have a great day!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thrift store shopping with a friend, an invite to dinner, fresh baked rolls and avoiding the news, which can ruin any good day, all sound good.