Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Dyed In The Wool

This was on one of the tables at the hook in. 
I put it between the window and the screen. 

I purchased the Halloween bunting last weekend.
Looks pretty cute by my porch door. 

This is what I have been working on. Next Monday I start a 3-day rug school with a teacher, and I will be starting another rug. To many half-done projects. 

Fall has finally come to Acorn Hollow. 

I am so glad to have these little berries for the birds. I haven't started feeding the birds again yet. We haven't seen the bear (we bought a trail cam.) but I am going to wait a couple more weeks before I start feeding them. 

Our colors are duller than other years but there is always a tree that never disappoints. 

And yes, my road that I walk every day, I know you have seen this before, but it gets so pretty this time of year. Such a great walk to let your soul rest from the world. 

I decided to dye some wool today. I am a fly by the seat of my pants kind of dyer. I found a jar of dye all mixed up and no label. (I am so disorganized sometimes.) I took a chance and....

I got this it has a purple cast, but I love it!!! The two on the left are my favorites. I have one more unmarked jar so another mystery reveal to come.

I have had this house on my porch decorated for the 4th of July for years. I decided it need to be haunted....

The house was so happy to have some ghosts visit.

There may be a witch around I see her broom.

If you are new here, you don't know about my mystery person who brings me corn stalks every year and ties them to my signpost. This year we had so much rain and it impacted the gardens horribly, so I didn't expect any this year. Well, I went out for my walk today and lo and behold there they were!!!  Whoever it is makes my heart sing when I see them. A friend said that is a pure kindness she is so right. 

This is on the top of our highest peak Mt Washington. The owners of the equipment are working hard to get their equipment off that mountain before more snow comes. 
We have not had a frost yet here, but we are getting pretty chilly. 
Have a great week!


TheCrankyCrow said...

Whoa....that's Mt. Washington like now?? Yikes. I absolutely adore your witch silhouette in the first photo! Is that made of metal? I love that your mystery person has kept up his/her tradition. How fun to have that happen every year. Your wool turned out great and I am liking what I'm seeing of your current project. Can't wait to see what you have chosen to work on for class. And the haunting of your porch house is adorable! ~Robin~

Saundra said...

I love that witch silhouette in your window and would make a great hooking project as well. Lucky you to have such good results from the unmarked container of dye and looking forward to your next venture with the other jar.
Love your pumpkins and vine rug you showed and looking forward to your next project.
Ya mean after all these years you don't know who does the corn stalk'ing'? I'll bet it is your hubby.

Betty said...

I'm new here! An anonymous corn stalk tier upper...that's so wonderful!

Marie Smith said...

The scary thing is that snow and frost conditions aren’t that far away now.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Love that blow mold ghost you have in the yard. Your new bunting is perfect with it.
What a fun fall pattern you are working on!!! Great colors.
Happy your corn stalker visited you once again. What fun ;-)
P.S. Great dye results.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Your holiday displays are adorable. The haunted house redecorating is a nice touch.
No frost up here yet in Vermont at a low elevation.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

My, so many things I love! The color of the wood is a happy surprise, the witch silhouette, the lovely red tree, the clever "haunted" house, and your walk must be a wonderful way to enjoy the favorite time of year! And the sweet, secret delivery of corn shocks - that is just so thoughtful. And that snow - wow, we're seeing black wooly worms here, the old farmers say that means a harsh be ready!

Granny Marigold said...

I love that someone is gifting you with dry corn decorating your signpost 🧡

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, enjoyed your post-love that you turned the little house into a haunted one-fun I miss the dye pot I used to do allot of it.
how sweet the gifted cornstalks

Jeanie said...

I loved every photo, every moment of this post -- it's autumn, inside and out and so cozy and warm feeling. I love the mystery "stalker." That's so nice and such fun! And your rug is going to be fabulous. This is such a delight of a post, Cathy!

Buttercup said...

Love all of your decorations, especially the haunted porch house. Nothing like New England in the autumn.

Prims By The Water said...

Youzers on Mt Washington. Not ready for that s word yet. Your wool turned out fantastic. Glad no bear signs thus far. No frost here either and our trees are not even turning here yet. Am afraid they wll just fall off with no color. How sweet you got more cornstalks again this year. Maybe you need to put a trail cam on your mailbox to find out who does it. Janice

Willow said...

I have always wanted to learn rug hooking. I knit, spin and (a bit of) weave. Isn't dyeing fun? Are those natural dyes you have made?
How sweet and fun to get those cornstalks each year.

WoolenSails said...

Love that witch, so fun and easy to put in a window. I am running out of space on my walls, lol. I also like your haunted house. I have a small set up with wood houses and churches, that I decorate around. Your hook in looks like a wonderful place to have one. People say the colors were duller, but I have noticed an increase in color, around our areas this year. Not ready for snow, but nice as long as it is up there.
