I dug up a half a row of my garlic I think I am a bit too excited, and I need to leave it for a week or two more, but I have these drying on a rack on my screened in porch. Everyone is getting garlic for Christmas! lol.
My daughter gave me this plant for Mother's Day I repotted it and put it in my wagon, and it is going crazy! Now I am going to figure out if I can winter it over just for fun.
The hollyhock is coming to an end. The leaves got rust from all the rain and humid weather not a surprise, but it is still going and going.
My zinnia seeds from the dollar store are starting to bloom.
I was gone for 3 days staying with Sweet B my grand while her parents were away. First up we did a stitched bookmark that I did not get a picture of. Next, we made a bee skept!
she decorated it all on her own. Such fun and so proud of her. And she now has contacts! She is learning to put them in and out and getting use to wearing them! I ran her to dance and camp. Pep took her to hit some golf balls and of course ice cream. It was a busy fun 3 days, and we loved it!
Bear update so he has decided to try and get into my car. Luckily, I see no damage. We called fish and game and really, they will do nothing until human life is in danger. He is crazy bold we have a group text with all the neighbors, and he is everywhere. at noon the past 3 days he is on the deck looking in the screen door of the neighbors. We were out in the yard doing yard work today the dirt road below us was being fixed with heavy equipment from all the rain and another neighbor was mowing annnnnd he shows up in our yard!!! with all that noise! We bought an air horn and tried that he ran a few yards and sat and looked at us. Cable guys on the other end of our dead-end road see him coming up to the truck they start the truck he Saunders off. Sadly, no fear which will get him and us in big trouble. Oh, and I can outrun my husband lol!
Thank you for all the kind comments on my home. I am so proud of it, growing up we didn't have much so thanks to my husband and lots of hard work over the years we have this house in a great area with 1 naughty bear lol.
Have a great Day!
I love garlic but sometimes it goes bad before I can use it up. It shrivels up so perhaps I should keep it in the fridge?
Your garlic is amazing. I have never planted it. Oh that is just wrong, that they won't come and get that bear before he hurts someone.
What a lovely 3 days. Your bee skeps are wonderful.
Miss B is as beautiful as ever ;-)
We sure could use some of that rain you have been inundated with!!! There is a chance of storms this evening, but so often the weatherguessers are wrong.
Oh, I was wondering about your bear. He is one bold guy. Hopefully everyone will be safe and hubby doesn't need to worry...lol!
With hard work a person can achieve the American dream. Sadly, too many people want everything handed to them on a silver platter and our government is more than happy to enable them. Oh, don't get me started!!!
Oh dear! A bold bear is not a fun wildlife creature to have around. I don't understand why he isn't being relocated.
Stay safe!
I'm surprised they don't take action. Usually being a nuisance is enough to get a bear rehomed further from people.
Wow -- that's one bold bear. Must be scary for people with small children -- scary enough for adults! And a mess, too. I am wildly excited about your garlic -- well done! And zinnias! My dollar store didn't have seeds. That's a great idea because they were pricey this year.
Your garlic looks wonderful! And what a great gifting idea. I have always wanted to plant a garlic patch but I don't quite know where ...and I would need help I think getting the bed broken. Congrats to Miss B on the contacts. I was never successful with them despite trying every version there was. Cute skeps too. Oh bother on the bear who is reluctant to leave. Can you - and your neighbors - perhaps take to firing warning shots?? ~Robin~
I love garlic. Can I be a family member for Christmas? wink wink Congrats to sweet miss B on your contacts. I could never stick those in my eyes. UGH Not good that the bear is not afraid of things. Not good at all. Janice
Garlic for Christmas sounds like a great idea...I love it! And your granddaughter is so pretty...and did a great job on her project. Such a fun visit!
My garlic isn’t quite ready to dig up yet. Soon!
Yours looks great!
Mmmm your garlic looks good! I tried saving one of those fuschia plants over winter. It nearly turned into disaster as seemingly overnight spider mite population exploded on it.
Nice garlic. I use so much garlics that I should plant some but just buy them.
Years ago people just got their hunting guns and got rid of the pesky critters, now it's a different story. Your neighborhood will have to pester the Dept of Natural Resources to have them come and relocate that bear.
Congratulations to Miss B. on her new contacts.
Hugs, Julia
I really have to try planting garlic...I love it, but have never put it in the garden. Your friends will LOVE getting some as a gift...those are the best kinds of presents!
Oh my, that sounds terrifying! Glad you can run faster than your husband though. I don't know what a bee skept is but it's very pretty!
You did get a nice garlic harvest and it's something we never planted in our garden when we did have one. I hope that everyone will enjoy the Christmas "present." We use it a lot and maybe we should have planted it years ago. Miss B will look quite different in future photos when she's wearing her contacts. It seems you have a bear that wants to go on a road trip.
So garlic keeps the vampires away but not bears? Golly, I'd be so nervous with a bold bear hanging around. We have trouble with deer but they just want our apples and flower blossoms not us! I would have trouble running but then so would Jack so I guess that bear would have a feast. Ha! Miss B is so adorable and how fun to have her enjoying doing crafts. Takes after her Grandma! Take care Cathy!
Wow, into the car, dang. I love though when you told us that you can outrun your husband. You're a hoot.
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