Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Beaver Moon

The full Beaver Moon was up over Acorn Hollow.
I can never get a good picture of the moon. And then there was a Luna eclipse which I did not see but saw lots of beautiful pictures.

Our weather has been crazy warm 70's this time of year is crazy for us. But all good things must come to an end and yesterday we were back to normal a high of 49. Although we are going to the 60s tomorrow. Then we are going to get what is left of the storm that is hitting Florida. We can use the rain but not the winds coming with it. My roses are so happy they are still blooming! 

A trip to our local dump. I wasn't going to go with my husband, but he convinced me I may be missing out lol. So glad I did! Great baskets!

I put one right to work holding all my rolled rugs. 

Speaking of rugs, I am working on two at once. It feels like I am not making headway on either of them. But loving my witch.
My owl is a Christmas gift so I will have to show it later. 
Now that the show is done in Vermont, I can show you my dear friend's rug. How amazing is this rug!! and it is pretty good size too!
It was designed by David Galchutt It was hooked by Dayle Young Wheeler from Rutland Vermont. She did change a few things to her liking with permission from the artist. That my friends is a pirate with attitude! Hooked in #3. I swear I could stare at it for hours and find something new each time. 

So true!
Have a wonderful week and those in the storm stay safe. 



kathyinozarks said...

Gorgeous moon, we had a gorgeous moon today too. we missed the eclipse the night before-sadly we were clouded in (is that word? haha)
awesome hooked rugs-enjoy the rest of your week

Saundra said...

Great score with the baskets and they are so handy for many things, and most definitely displaying your hooked rugs. I've seen numerous Galshutt designs being hooked at various classes and online. They are beautiful hooked pieces as long as they are not being done by me.

Julia said...

I've never heard of the Beaver moon. I had to look it up. How nice that your roses are still blooming. Nothing is blooming here but my Christmas cacti are budding in the house.

Your witch rug is looking good. Your friend's rug looks amazing. Lots of details.

It's been cold here too but sunny and blue skies.
Take care, hugs.

Lady Locust said...

Those baskets were free ??? Hang on a minute. We need to have a chat. Why wasn't I invited to go to the dump with you 😂 Nice score!

Rugs and Pugs said...

What great dump finds! Better listen to hubby next time he wants you to go again.
Galchutt patterns are amazing. I am in total awe of them but will not be hooking one in my!
Sweet witch.
Crazy beautiful weather in Ohio, too, which will soon hoo ;-(

Dicky Bird said...

Yes, that rug is amazing. I like the David Bowe quote.

Chatty Crone said...

You found those baskets in a dump? A real dump? The rugs are amazing. I am not sure if I am growing wise with age. lol

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a great find in the dump, Cathy, and I would have rescued them as well. That Bowie quite is a good one and I just read it on another blogger's post today. The rug is beautiful.

yaya said...

I did see the same moon but missed the eclipse. I didn't even know we were having one! Bad me! My sister thought she would see it because she get dialysis at 4:30am but she missed it too. I love the rugs, especially the witch! Too cute! Your friend's pirate one is amazing! Nice work! We had a beautiful 70de day today but it all changes tomorrow with temps in the 50's and rain and then possible snow by Sunday...bye to my roses! Have a good weekend Cathy! I hope you find a little surprise in the mail Friday or Saturday!

Jeanie said...

Great Bowie quote. I was frustrated because we had too much cloud cover to capture the red moon but for those who did, wow!

Jeanie said...

That's a great quote. We had too much cloud cover to capture the red moon, unfortunately. It would have been spectacular!

Hill Top Post said...

Our weather was perfect for viewing the sky. I loved that blood moon. I suppose now is the time to get winter projects lined out. I am still thinking~ :~)