Friday, July 5, 2024

Happy 5th

Sorry I missed the 4th but happy 5th!
To our beautiful country. 

We spend part of the 4th digging out and cleaning our kayaks they have not been used in 2 to 3 years! We took a short trip this time to get our arms in shape again. It was good to see a little boy fishing.
He yells "There's a snake!" I look and there was a frog on a rock and I said, "Oh no he will eat the frog." and what did the kid say? "Cool I want to see that." Lol kids! But the frog remained safe for now. 

This is a small pond no motors allowed so it is always relevantly quiet. And it is so pretty no houses around this pond most if not all in conservation. 

We saw both loons swimming, so I think their eggs hatched but I was not close enough to see. Their eggs usually hatch around the 4th. They are lucky to get one or two babies. So, they are very protected here. I love their calls. 

Husband is paddling along and said, "Why did we wait so long to get out again??" He kept saying "I almost forgot how relaxing and beautiful it is."

We took the long way home and came to bump bridge. This is not the original bridge about 35 years ago someone was going around burning our covered bridges. (How sick is that?) The ones that were burnt were all replace like the original. We have a family of very famous wooden bridge builders here in our town. They have built covered bridges all over the country. And it is a generational business in that family. 


Today for lunch I had left over salad. My friend gave me a wand you fill with salt and pepper or whatever you want for seasonings. Somehow a wave of my wand made my leftovers just a little bit magical lol. 

We had sleep over company, and we sat and watched the fireflies in the evening. 
It was nice to share our porch with them.
Have a wonderful week. 


Rugs and Pugs said...

Happy 5th to you!
You sure have an army of fireflies. We grew up calling them lightening bugs.
I hope your bear has left your neighborhood...for good.
Lady Liberty is just so much fun and perfect for your porch.

Jeanie said...

You had the most wonderful day! What a great kayak ride and so many nature spottings. I think I've only seen a loon once and at a distance. I'd love to see more. Your Lady Liberty rug is just the best!

Saundra said...

I saw your kayak photos on FB and I've had canoe rides, boat rides but never kayak. Like Lauren we called them lightening bugs in Delaware too. First time my Icelandic friend spent a summer in the US she and her kids ran in the house for fear of being electrocuted, lol.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like you had a lovely July 4th. The kayaking looks great - beautiful lake. I love covered bridges. No covered bridges around here in Utah. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon.

Granny Marigold said...

Kayaking looks like so much fun especially on a lake that doesn't allow boats with motors! Years ago we had a canoe and even that was great to take out on the water.
I love the call of a loon.

Marie Smith said...

Your kayaks sound like fun. We have considered going for a paddle but aren’t brave enough…yet.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Happy 6th to you.... LOL. I am behinder than even usual. Your kayak ride sounds wonderful - and that pond is amazing. I wish our lake were a bit quieter. It can be, but holiday weekends like this it is crazy. Since it's such a large lake, there are so many people who come up to use it who don't live here. And it seems my little peninsula attracts a lot of curiosity as people try to get close for a look. And you are so right about the person(s) burning the covered bridges being sick. They should be made to work rebuilding each and every one - and then some - for no pay for as long as it takes...and then be incarcerated. Grrrr. I love your little wand! I think I need to try to find one LOL. ~Robin~

Julia said...

Like Robin, I'm behinder than both of you, lol... Happy 4th, 5th and 6th...
I've never got into a kayac but my daughter and her husband have some that they take on the lake. There is such a scense of serenity living by the lake, and the haunted call of the loons is music to my ears. I also love covered bridges and i have a local covered bridge framed print in my living room.

Take care, hugs.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

It looks like a beautiful way to relax and unwind - ahhh. And I love covered bridges, we very rarely see them anymore - how awful they were being blonde. What a tragic loss of history and how very worrisome that those people are out there. I agree - Fireflies are so absolutely magical!

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

my apologies, being burned.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Reading about you getting your kayaks out reminded me of when we owned and used them in VA. Your husband was right that it was always peaceful on the water.

yaya said...

I might be able to get in the kayak but not sure if I could get out! Ha! I'm glad you were able to enjoy that time on the pond. I love how you call lakes "ponds" in Maine! I just finished watching the Maine Cabin builders so I can get up on lingo out there! Happy late July 4th. I will blog here shortly. I don't know how I get so behind. I love your walks and all your pretty flowers. My daughter-in-law wanted me to take a video of our fireflies but it didn't come out as nice as yours! You know they don't have them out west so it's always a big deal to see them when they visit. Take care Cathy!