Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hot Days Cooler Evenings

We have been in the humid heat the past few days way hotter than we usually have. But the nights have cooled off enough to sleep.
No air conditioning. 
Wild Astilbe 

Today I got a walk in early, I was hot on the way back. It did feel so good to walk and move because when it is hot I sit!

The road that I walk is always pretty shaded, but it has been very buggy with the humid weather. 

Perfect weather to grow mushrooms.

I am not quite sure what this is I just know it is not queen ann's lace.
There are large patches of it along the dirt road.

Milkweed is in bloom at least I think it is milkweed.

Ferns everywhere. 

Not sure what the next two are but they are pretty. 

I am going to get some really nice time with my grand this week. I am excited and looking forward to being with her. She is growing up so quickly I will grab every minute I can. 
I finished binding a small rug I hooked this spring and finished stitching a dish towel I started. when you sit and melt with the fan on you, you try to keep your hands busy. I did pull a few weeds before sundown this evening but with this weather they are getting ahead of me. 
Have a wonderful week. 


Lauren said...

Oh be careful on your walks! That may be poison hemlock that resembles Queen Anne’s lace. Not something you want to mess with. (I did a post about poison hemlock in 2022.)
Enjoy your time with Miss B. She is growing up fast!
Rugs and Pugs

Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad you got to spend some time with your granddaughter. Yes, they do grow up quickly! I hope your temps cool down. We have "heat dome" coming this week and our temperatures will be miserable. I am looking forward to autumn. Have a great week. See you again soon!

Bonnie K said...

You can sure visit the Black Hills. You will cool down fast, as it is in the 40;s and 50's here.

Marie Smith said...

Getting ahead of the heat isn’t easy these days. We’re headed out now but it feels like 30 C already! Stay cool!

kathyinozarks said...

Lovely gardens Enjoy you Granddaughter

Saundra said...

I don't know how we managed to live without A/C in Delaware when I was growing up. Actually our house in northern California didn't have A/C either but it is a dry heat there so we were never uncomfortable even when the temps were high. We'd fly home in July to visit family in DE and as soon as we stepped outside the airport the humidity hit us like a hot towel wrapped around us.
I see a few wild ferns in my yard from time to time and think they are pretty.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Would you be jealous to know I actually broke down and turned the heat on one night this week? Seriously. Can't remember when I have ever done that in summer. Temps are unusually cool here for this time of year. We are to reach 80 in a few days and right now, the forecast says 1 day it will actually be 86 (Sunday), but that's a long way off and bound to change. Otherwise we've been in the low 70's and considerably colder at night. I have a/c and haven't turned it on once yet. Lauren is right...Poison hemlock mimics Queen Anne's lace and is toxic... The other pretty pink plant is Joe Pye Weed. Lucky you...wild foxglove and wild astilbe!! Two plants I love dearly. Enjoy your time with Miss B. Yes, they grow like little pretty weeds. ~Robin~

Granny Marigold said...

Walks on hot days are best taken in the shade, if it's available.
Several younger people in my family have apps on their phones to identify any flowers. That would sure be handy. I'm not sure I'd be able to grasp the technology though.

Jan Hebert said...

That plant isn't poison hemlock, I believe it's an elderberry. The hemlock has much more fern like foliage from the pictures I've seen. I love that you write about New Hampshire, I'd love to live there one day. My sister lives in Moultonborough and my daughter and son in law live in Freedom. We have a camp on Winnipesaukee and go there as often as we can. I have been going to Lake Shore Park in Gilford for all of my 70 years, my grandfather took the family there starting in the 20's! We read that it's supposed to rain in parts of NH soon, I hope we get some here in MA! It's just too hot and my poor garden is suffering. Like you, I'm spending most of my day in front of the fan! Jan in MA

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Glad you are taking it easy with the heat and humidity.
Same around here. Sometimes it feels like you can wring out the air.

Prims By The Water said...

The white plant looks like wild sumac to me. I have seen the pink one around here but forgot the name of it. Janice