Monday, July 29, 2024

Busy Busy Busy

Yesterday I got to see the local theater production of Mary Poppins. 
Just Wonderful!

I was treated by my two loves. We did lunch and the theater just a perfect afternoon. Some of my sweet grand's friends were in the play that made it extra special for her. 
And I got a look at my daughter's beautiful gardens.

These lilies were in her wedding bouquet and on the table centerpieces. She planted some after they built the house. Each year they bloom all around her porch around the time of their anniversary. 
On Sat we had a few of my husband's former students over that worked on our house 36 years ago. It was a night of good food and lots of remembering when. My husband was so thrilled. 

While I was with my daughter and grand we went to a bookstore. 
I bought these mints for some reason they make me laugh every time I see them. 
Tonight is a bit chilly rain coming in tonight. So sleepy tea it is. 
I just took a shower and found some lavender dusting powder in the closet, so I am feeling a bit pampered and ready to watch some tv with husband. 
Have a wonderful week!


Saundra said...

Back in the day I loved to go the the live theater. Beautiful lilies and how apropos they bloom each anniversary year.
I'd certainly welcome a chill in the air but no rain, had enough of that and humidity.

Chatty Crone said...

I used to go to plays too - Covid changed that. I will have to get back out there. Nice to go with your daughter. Her flowers were pretty. I love the Eeyore mints too!

Granny Marigold said...

Beautiful Stargazer (?) Lilies looking so healthy and lush.

Prims By The Water said...

Bob and I use to go to home town theatre shows but have stopped in recent years. We need to start doing that again as we always did enjoy it. How wonderful that the lilies always bloom near your daughters anniversary and they are so pretty too! Janice

Marie Smith said...

That sounds like a wonderful excursion with your young women! Have a great week.

kathyinozarks said...

when I was a kid my Mom would take us to chicago-on a train-to see broadway plays-good memories sounds like good times there hugs

Marcia said...

Nice to see those lilies. I saw some at APD today after coming out from having an MRI on my lower back. My lilies have long since bloomed. Awaiting the glads now. Should bloom in time for Cornish Fair so granddaughters can include in their flower arrangements.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

What a wonderful day with the girls - Looks like such a fun time! The lilies are so sweet. What a perfect reminder of their day. I was given a Christmas cactus when my son was born 20 years ago, each year close to his birthday it blooms – I love it when things like that happen.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Making memories with your daughter and granddaughter...priceless!
Love the disappointmints. Makes me laugh, too.

Debbie said...

i always enjoy going to local theater productions, and supporting the actors...this one looks lovely. our local theater also did mary poppins, we went and it was awesome. your daughters garden is beautiful and who could resist those mints, how cute are they?!?!

TheCrankyCrow said...

I can't think of a more perfect way to spend a summer afternoon. We have some local theatre productions but never do they have anything in the afternoons - probably because so many work - and I'm not a fan of driving at night so I don't get to see many. Your daughter's lilies are gorgeous! I have one single lily like that and it is the only one that survived the Great Rabbit Ravage of 2024. It is blooming now miraculously but its stalk is naked up about midway from the wabbits. I'm amazed it survived as my others didn't. Ha ha... Eeyore's Disappointments. Love it!!! Pouring BUCKETS here right now after a sticky, humid, day.... The next couple of days are also supposed to be extremely hot and humid (near 90, actual temp) but I won't complain as so many have suffered it for much longer and I know ours will dissipate in a few days. ~Robin~

Jan Hebert said...

What a fun afternoon! My friend in New Bedford took me to a fun live production early this summer. It was performed in a historic church that has been converted to a theatre. So fun. I love your daughter's lilies and their meaning to her and your family. I have two Stargazer lilies and three or four Madonna lilies that stand proud in my "cottage garden" outside my back door. We love the fragrance - I just wish I could find plants tall enough to fill in around them so they don't look so silly all by themselves! Hoping afternoon storms will help bring the temperatures down - so tired of this weather. Jan in MA

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While, we are thankful to have a new arts center in downtown Nashua, but it doesn't have the facilities to present live theater productions. Tat said, we have been enjoying musical performances there and have a couple scheduled for late December. Your theater outing sounded very special in all ways. The self-pampering was very nice too!

Jeanie said...

We need to pamper when it's so hot and steamy! Theatre and lunch with two loves -- it sounds like a perfect day!

yaya said...

I've been AWOL with having family here the past week but I enjoyed catching up on all your busy days! I'm jealous of the rain you've had since we're in a bit of a drought. Not all of Ohio but certainly our county. It's rained all around us but skips right over Ashland and our yard is crispy! Your daughter must have your green thumb as her garden is beautiful and your sweet Miss B looks so mature in that pic! How fun to spend the day with them and enjoy a play. I love plays but don't get the opportunity to see many. Enjoy your cooler weather than we're getting right now and send a prayer up for us to get some of that rain!