Sunday, February 19, 2023

A Stitching Challenge Out of My Wheelhouse

This morning I was up early and saw the sun rise.
And there was a red fox strolling through the back yard. 
He did not have his skis, jacket, and pack but he was beautiful all the same.

My sweet aunt contacted me she and my uncle have covid. They are doing well but I felt bad and made them some cookies and added some other goodies to a box and mailed it off. They are supposed to leave for Aruba in a couple of weeks. So, I am praying it all goes well for them. 

I got my book out on different stitches as my sweet friend Donna 
sent 3 of us a challenge.

She sent us a package of bits and pieces of fabric.
We are to make something out of this. No real rules and just do your own thing. But I am not that creative, and I have not stitched all that much but oh well here I go!

I took a very long walk today. While not sunny it is nice. I have shown this brook many times and have walked by it hundreds of times and yet it still makes me stop and look and listen and marvel at it every time!

I finished this book this morning. It is historical fiction but is based on true life events. British women were dropped behind enemy lines in Paris to spy and report back. Some people focused on the things she got wrong like people using comforters on their beds. (Not used at that time) I focused on the story itself and found it a good informative read. I knew American women were spies, but I had no idea the British women were also. If you read this book, I would love to know your thoughts. 
I am off to work on binding my rug and to try and figure out just what to do with this challenge.


Saundra said...

I absolutely adore your hooked fox!!! The best!

Chatty Crone said...

I love the rug with the fox - is that a little dog chasing it?
The cookies looked good and so nice of you to send it to your sick aunt and uncle.

Julia said...

I'm sorry about your aunt and uncle catching Covid. I hope that there are no complications and that they can go on their trip. I'm sure they will be grateful for the care package.

I'm sure Miss B. can come up with some creative suggestions for the fabric art. Good luck with this challenge.

I love the sound of a gurgling stream.


Prims By The Water said...

Once coming home getting out of my car a red fox ran past me Pretty cool. Good luck with your stitch project and be sure to show us for finish. Janice

TheCrankyCrow said...

I just love your hiking fox rug...still one of my favorites that you have done. Sweet of you to send a comfort box to your aunt and uncle - I wish them a speedy recovery. The stitching challenge....hmmm, that would definitely be out of my wheelhouse as well LOL. You do that freehand stitching, though, and, I beg to differ, ARE very creative, so I'm sure you'll come up with something fun. Please let us know how it turns out...and, if possible, share the others' projects. Sometimes it is good to be challenged beyond our customary boundaries. I'd love to join you on your walk...I'd definitely be pausing a good long while by that beautiful babbling brook. ~Robin~

Hena Tayeb said...

Good luck on the challenge.. I look forward to seeing what you come up with it.
Sweet of you to send you aunt and uncle a care package.. how they get well soon.

Deb J. in Utah said...

The book you read sounds pretty interesting. I will have to keep an eye out for it. The cookies you are baking for your aunt and uncle look delicious. I hope they are over Covid soon and won't have to change plans for their trip. Have a good week. See you again soon!

kathyinozarks said...

I love your fox too, did you get your witch finished? I have not been around a bubbling brook in years-I can almost hear it. Hoping your aunt recovers in time for her trip.
Sounds like a fun project-might be a nice change for you-something different. Happy new week hugs Kathy

Hill Top Post said...

I love the foxy rug. It's definitely my favorite yet. Your stitching challenge sounds so fun, and you certainly can't go wrong with whatever you do. I could use one of those oh-so-delicious-looking cookies right about now. I love your stream of water in the snow. I am sure that would be one of my favorite places.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Praying your aunt and uncle recover quickly and make it to Aruba. Sweet you sent them a care package.
Good luck with your stitching project. Will be interesting to see what you do.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

How nice of you to bake cookies and include other treats to your aunt and uncle and they will surely enjoy them. Hopefully, they will be recovered in time for their trip. The hiking fox rug is lovely and good luck with the stitching project too.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Looking forward to seeing what you make. The musical notes' fabric is beautiful. The fox looks like a jolly fellow. :)

Farm Girl said...

What fun!! I am not that creative either but it will be so nice to see what you make.
Your cookies look so yummy. Oh I would love a creek to walk by when I walked. I would stare at it every time too.
I think its nice you saw a fox. I love how when they run it looks like floating.
We have snow in our forecast. The weather is turned upside down this year. :)
I hope you have a lovely week.

yaya said...

Prayers for a quick recovery for your Aunt and Uncle so they can go on vacation. How nice of you to send a package that I'm sure will cheer them up. Those cookies look delish! I love your fox rug. We've had a fox show up at the Pines and then go eat our neighbor's chickens! I don't think that fellow was around for long! What a pretty babbling brook or as we would call it around here..a babbling creek! I wouldn't be able to pass by that pretty spot without stopping and enjoying the view! That book looks interesting and folks didn't use comforters in those days? Who knew! Have a good week Cathy!