Sunday, March 2, 2025

Winter Weary

We went from almost 50 to minus 2 with the wind chill in just less than 24 hours. I see all of your lovely pictures of tulips coming up. 
The weather here makes me weary at times. 

So, I braved the cold and wind and the thigh deep snow and cut some forsythia branches.
I put them in warm water and now I wait for the yellow flowers to show. 

I changed out my winter table for a spring look.
I put my new runner out and a new picture on the wall.
I put something sparkly on it, it made me smile.

My sweet friend and I headed out on Friday for some thrifting and a fun lunch. I bought this new purse for 5.00. (It is a different green than shows here.)

I picked up this book for .49 cents. It has a lot of different stitches to try in it. 

I now have my feet up watching a mystery and hooking on my rug. This basket is making me think! 
My sweet friend is leaving for Florida for a couple of weeks. I will miss her.  
I am meeting a couple friends from rug hooking on Friday for lunch. And the weather is supposed to get better (warmer) I can hope. 
Have a wonderful week! 


Mari said...

We don't have tulips and we still have snow, but not like you. It's 20 degrees here but today the sun is shining! I hope we all get Spring soon!

Saundra said...

I used to have tulips but something ate the bulbs so I no longer plant them. It was in the 60's yesterday and when I woke up it was 20 and not sure it made above 32 today.
I think your thrift stores have better and more economical pricing than here.

Rugs and Pugs said...

You always find the best bargains at the thrift stores. I rarely stop because I rarely find anything. Oh wait. I'm purging and should not be! I have about 5-6 boxes sitting in the living room ready to be donated.
You are off to a good start on your rug.
Thanks for the reminder to gather some forsythia branches.

kathyinozarks said...

This has been a rough winter for most of us-it does get us down in the dumps too-we are going back to the minus a couple nights this week unless they change that-hang in there--hugs

Deb J. in Utah said...

Those forsythia branches will be beautiful before long. Glad you found some fun things to do this week, even in the snowy bitter cold. I like that purse. You always find great thrifting treasures. It's always nice to see what you are up to. Enjoy the week ahead.

TheCrankyCrow said...

No tulips or other spring flowers peeking through here either...and if there were, it wouldn't be a good thing for them. There's a lot of winter in store for us I'm sure. In fact, there's snow in the forecast for Tuesday/Wednesday. I don't have any forsythia but hope yours brightens your inside when it opens. Your rug is looking great!! Have you ever shown us the entire design you're working on? ~Robin~

Bonnie K said...

No tulips here. I feel your pain. We did have some warm weather this weekend, but it sounds like it will be short lived. I like the purse. Hope spring finds you soon.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your purse. Man you sure have a storm coming in there don't you? I hope we don't have anymore cold winter weather.