Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Loony Bin

This week's watercolor tries. 

My crow melted into some kind of puffer fish, I think.
It has now melted completely. But there is more snow coming in tonight. Not much but one flake at this point is too much. 

I keep a bag of vegetable peels in my freezer 
and when it is full I make stock from it. I did 
have bones from a rotisserie chicken to throw into it too.
I put it in the crockpot cover with water simmer for several hours. and then I strained it. 

I got a few quarts of lovely stock from things that usually get thrown away

I made a strawberry galette. The recipe is just ok 
I will find another recipe if I ever make it again. 

And during all this cooking I dropped a potholder on the 
heating element in the oven. It took me a few seconds to get all the racks out to get the potholder out. In the meantime, the house filled with smoke, and it smelled like burning hair (it is wool). Fun times!

We picked up a friend at the airport this week and this life-size moose was in the baggage area. (Made from steel)
We went to lunch at a funny little bar called 
The Loony Bin it seats about 25 and it is usually crazy busy, but we got in and had a fun time everyone was so friendly. And the food was good. 
Have a wonderful week!


Chatty Crone said...

I had to read a couple of times you said veggie peelings and bones to make broth - that is so cool. And that pie looked so good to me as well as your drawings.

Mari said...

We just had that same discussion on snow. It's supposed to snow here tomorrow and I sighed at that prediction. Bob said it won't last it's the end of March! I said, any snow is too much right now...
I need to start saving peels like that. Such a great way to make stock.
Don't you hate when you make a new recipe and it's just ok? And I'm sorry about your pot holder!
The Loony Bin sounds fun!

Boud said...

I do exactly that with stock. Kindred spirits.

Saundra said...

I save the liquid from cooked peas, string beans, etc. and freeze to use for soups also. Cheaper than buying vegetable broth. I think we all have melted or burned a pot holder or two in our lifetimes.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad you had a nice week. We are tired of snow here too, and fortunately our temperatures will be up in the 60s and even low 70s for a couple of days in the coming week. I love the idea of making stock from leftovers. The Loony Bin looks like a fun place! I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Speaking of snow.... We are in the middle of yet another winter storm and as I was typing this, the power went out. I'm pretty much over this already, but very thankful the back-up generator is operational again. The snow is really piling up. You are really doing well with your watercolor painting. The Loony Bin sounds like fun. Bummer about your wool hotpad. :-(

Red Rose Alley said...

That coffee quote is delightful. I love my coffee. Your watercolors are pretty. I've always thought it was a talent when one could draw or paint. Your strawberry dessert looks really good. That lamp is funny at the restaurant. A Christmas Story is one of my favs.

Happy Spring! We had a snowfall a couple weeks ago, so Spring comes a bit later here in the mountains. Enjoy your snow.


Granny Marigold said...

The lamp at your restaurant reminds me of the Leg Lamp in that movie The Christmas Story. Where the Dad gets this lamp shaped like a woman's leg. lol

Hill Top Post said...

I have never made my own broth but need to give it a try. I collect scraps in a small bucket to later feed to the raccoons down by the creek. Sometimes the contents of the bucket ferment just enough to smell yummy.

Prims By The Water said...

Your watercolors look good...better than I could do. We had freezing rain yesterday. Where is Spring? That is some moose. Not fun to burn a hot pad, and also not fun to have the house smell like burnt hair either. Janice

Marie Smith said...

I understand how easy it is to but a pot holder. Not as easy to retrieve it! Great looking stock!

Pam said...

I love your watercolor tries. I also do watercolor "tries". Not very good but relaxing, I think. The picture of the leg lamp made me think about the gigantic leg lamp in Chickasha, OK. Google it. I only live about 1 1/2 hours away from it. People love to have their pictures taken with that silly thing.

Grace & Peace,

Jeanie said...

Your veggie peel idea is inspired. I never have veg stock and that's probably because so much of that stuff gets ditched. I think your SC is coming along beautifully. I see a tryptich of strawberries hanging in your kitchen in the future!

yaya said...

Your watercolor painting looks really good! My sister is enjoying her classes and improves after every class. I hope you get a warmup soon. Our weather has been very up and down and even some snow in the forecast this week but warm on the weekend. I'm ready for steady warmer temps. Have a good week Cathy!

Debbie said...

i have never made stock and everytime i talk about it, the hubs talks me out of it! he says it is too much work. yours looks beautiful. how long is the shelf life or do you freeze it. your watercolor art is coming along nicely, i need to take the plunge!!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Your watercolors are beautiful. The veg stock sounds good. Hope you will have a beautiful spring.

Donna said...

Goodness! Poor potholder! Poor you! I've done that and it isn't fun!
The food looks yummy!!