Sunday, March 16, 2025

Spring is That You?

Yesterday was 60s and lovely today 50s, drizzle, and fog.
The snow is melting very quickly! Yahoo! 

Last night was a bit chilly perfect for the fireplace.

We got a lovely visit from my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. My grand came with gifts. She painted the bag and made the coaster. We ordered pizza and our daughter helped her father with his new IPad. She uses one every day and it was a snap for her. He was pretty thrilled with all his help. 

I am still painting and treated myself to new brushes.

I did a couple of pages of leaves. These new brushes make great leaves. Then just for fun I made some chicks. 

I also bought a weighted vest for walking. I bought it a bit heavy and tried it out for a bit. while it is only 8lbs it is harder than I expected. I will work up to wearing it on my whole walk. 

Husband came home with maple syrup that was still warm.
It is syrup season here and by all accounts it is flowing pretty freely. 
 Remember 40 gallons of sap equals 1 gallon of syrup. This was a gift but that is why it is so expensive. (No imitation syrup shall ever be in this house lol ) We tried it out on French toast made from my homemade bread this morning yummmmmmm!

Tomorrow is St Patrick's day. I gave my grand and daughter socks like these to wear to school. I plan on making a boiled dinner. Not my husband's favorite but oh I love it so much. It will be hard to scale it down as it usually makes so much. 
I am going to see one of my sweet friends this week. I am going to visit her hooking group and Wed. we pick up my other sweet friend from the airport. It will be nice to have her back in NH. 
I did stay up to see the eclipse no pictures, but the moon did turn very red. It was worth staying up for.
A nice week weather wise ahead.
Have a great week!


Saundra said...

Temps reached 70 here today but the wind was horrific and going to cool down next week. But my forsythia bush and daffodils have blooms on them so spring is closer. Thankfully no snow here.
I wouldn't need to buy a weight vest as I've already added weight on my body, lol.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi! So glad that your weather has warmed up. That picture with your fireplace looks so cozy! Glad that you had a nice visit with your daughter and her family. I love the gifts your granddaughter gave you. It's cool that you got to see the blood moon. I had school the next day, so did not stay up (or get up) to see it. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

Prims By The Water said...

It rained all weekend here off and on, but to the North of us a few hours away they got 6 inches of snow. Glad it stayed up there. Your chicks made me smile. You are doing very well at painting. Janice

Mari said...

The snow melted here, and today it snowed all afternoon and the ground is covered again. :(
Your little chicks are so cute!
It always astounds me how much sap is needed for syrup. It's no wonder it costs so much.
Happy St Patricks Day!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your peeps are ADORABLE!! You need to start making cards and such. I think you've taken to watercolor like a duck to water. Sweet gifts from sweet Miss B. She's really stepping up her repertoire of crafting skills. We are chilly here - highs only in the mid to upper 30's all week. I don't think the sap is flowing hee yet as I've no seen any sap buckets/bags out. Enjoy your GF time - you are so fortunate to have so many friends and so many get-togethers with them.

kathyinozarks said...

Glad to read your snow is melting. so glad you are enjoying painting, I need to try that again. This is the first year I can remember not making boiled dinner for StPatricks day we love it and after make reubins but the corn beef was so expensive for such a small amount that I didn't buy one. Enjoy!!

Chatty Crone said...

An 8 pound weighted vest to add to yourself to walk! You are amazing.
I love the painted bad. I also have a friend whose family make that maple syrup - it is a lot of work! Happy St. Pat's Day - yeah to corn beef!

Bonnie K said...

The weather looks nice. I bet it is a nice change. I've never had a boiled dinner. Love the fireplace. I am quilting, maybe this summer I will try some painting on the porch. It is nice to see you keep busy. Good luck with the weighted vest. My fire students have to use a 45 lb. pack. Yikes.

Donna said...

That 8 lb thing looks interesting! I'd probably be puffing! lol

Marcia said...

The only snow here are the piles from the roof on the north side of the house but they are melting fast too. It's a rainy day so that helps it melt.

Marie Smith said...

It is mild here to and foggy this morning. Love the chicks. Family time is always lovely. Enjoy your time with friends!