Thursday, September 19, 2024

How Much Wood ?

The weather here is still very summer like and very unusual.
We will be cooler next week, more to normal temps but because we have been so warm I think it will be a shock.
My burning bush is starting to turn. But the poor plants and trees are becoming very dry from the heat.
Those crazy geraniums are still going.
And my hydrangea is very happy.
Happy zinnias, next year I am planting packages and packages of them.
Today we started the big job of bringing wood in for the winter. We do not burn as much as we use to. And who knows how many more years we will continue to do this. But when there is a storm howling outside that fireplace feels pretty darn good.
So how much wood can an old couple chuck? About a cord. 

A couple of friends and I traveled to the talk on herbs as medicine. The woman presenting had a lot of knowledge and I do think I will visit her shop soon. She was talking about medicinal weeds. She said she finds they show up in her garden just when she needs them most. Nature is a wonderful thing.
She gave us garden tea, enough for a couple of cups. 
Someone asked if the lake we were on last weekend (squam) was were On Golden Pond was filmed? And yes it is!!! If you have never seen it you are missing out on a real treat. 
I had to drop my car early this morning for new brakes. Husband took me to breakfast. We both have had heartburn since. Ugg!
Have a great week!

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