Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Last of The Harvest

I pulled what I think is the last of my veggies for this year. I do still have green beans and a variety of herbs in the ground. I will dry some of the herbs for winter use but not sure how many more green beans I will get. 

Remember we went apple picking last weekend? I used some of those apples to make an apple bread. A new recipe for me and holy breakfast is it good!!! It has a very different texture more like baked oatmeal. I cut husband and I two slices and toasted them in my dry cast iron frying pan, and it kept me full until well into the afternoon. 
Now I just need to find the recipe again on line to write it down. 

Today I went to a rug hooking class I have signed up for, for every other week until December. (I am working on a rug that is way above my skills. More on that later).  When I got home I made a beef stew and some cheesy drop biscuits. One of the hits was to drop them in a muffin tin. What a good hint. The outsides were crispy and lovely, and inside warm and soft.

I started the task of cleaning up and cutting back gardens and got side tracked when I saw this stick all I could think of was a broom. 
I just added sticks and things from around the yard. 
The days are getting shorter and shorter it is time to tuck in at night.
I somehow have 3 different projects going a the same time. A little stitching, A little knitting, and a little hooking. I guess I am trying to keep myself busy until it is time for the days to start to get longer.
Lots of rain coming in tonight and into the day tomorrow.
There is a final church sale of the season tomorrow. I will probably chance the bad weather for a look.
To my friends in the south I am thinking of you and sending prayers. Please stay safe. 


Saundra said...

Did you bake bread with whole apples on top? That is what the picture seems to indicate.
Am concerned for the folks in the hurricane's path as well. But all I could think was 'thank God it isn't here". Mother Nature's wrath eventually seeks us all.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Love your door broom! And wow...a hooking class every other week? Until December? Sounds like're fortunate to have something like that so accessible (and apparently close) to you. We had our rain last Saturday for my son's wedding unfortunately. Then a few properly cool fall days but starting tomorrow it is to warm to the mid to upper 70's again. It's the awkward season garden wise... The plants are doing too well to trash but I'm weary of watering them daily and they need extensive pruning, pulling and patience given that they, too, are weary. Have fun at the sale - sounds like a perfect diversion for a rainy day. ~Robin~

Lauren said...

That apple bread sounds yummy.
Oh how I hate the shorter days.
I look forward to hearing more about your hooking class and seeing the rug you are working on!
Rugs and Pugs

Mari said...

Your bread looks so good! And the broom is so cute!
Hurkle Durkle! I've heard that before and I think it's a good plan.
I was looking at your earlier post and enjoying every picture. Just beautiful!

Prims By The Water said...

Never made apple cake. Usually apple pies. Will have to try that. Did make a blueberry one last Sunday. Its gone already. Days are definitely getting shorter here. Janice

Marcia said...

Pouring rain here as I write this. 3/4 in overnight and much needed after such a long dry month. That hurricane will be catastrophic when it hits Florida!

Boud said...

Hurkle durkle describes my plans for today.

Jeanie said...

I love the idea of hurkle durkle! And your bread -- I'm sure it tastes delicious but it looks so gorgeous, too. I need to whip out a loaf of apple bread when I get home from the lake and before we leave (so I don't lose the apples). Maybe we'll take it on the plane for breakfast!