Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Heat Goes On and On

This spring this hydrangea looked so pitiful I thought it was dying.
But look at it now! 

Pot of geraniums with some zinnas. My gardens are heat weary. 

I buy mixed packages of zinnias and put them everywhere there is a bare spot. I love them this time of year. We have had so much heat and humidity that everything is a bit stressed. I still have something eating my tomatoes makes me so angry!
Now this my friends is a BLT. It comes from a local grocery store.
for 3.99. I took half the bacon off and made twice baked potatoes with bacon and cheese.  
Sat we went for a walk around the next town over. They changed some of the sculptures out this year. 

This one made me smile.

This one is called self-examination yikes.
This one is called Karibu Troli- Guardian at the bridge
Sat night we went to a local Masonic lodge for a ham and bean dinner. They have them quite often, but we had never attended. 
10.00 for adults 5.00 for children I was more than shocked at the spread of food. 3 types of beans, meat balls, ham, salads, potato casserole, mac and cheese, etc etc etc. Plus, you could choose the type of pie you preferred for dessert. We left feeling full and vowing to go back. 

I read that a local green house was having a celebration. 
There was a pie baking contest for 100.00 gift certificate.
Since I enjoy making pies, I gave it a try and voila I won!!
side note: I was the only entry lol lol lol.
But I was happy to take the gift certificate to save for next spring. 
This summer has been so humid and so hot I hate to rush the seasons but come on fall. It is supposed to break mid-week this week I sure hope so I have had enough!
Have a great week


Saundra said...

Good grief on that lovely BLT, what was the name of that local grocery store?
Like you I'm looking for cooler weather too. BUT not snow.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

Dinner sounds great- it seems those hometown get togethers are the best. And yay on that gift certificate- woo hoo, what will you get??

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello! That dinner at the Masonic Lodge sounds delicious - and what a good value! Your zinnias are beautiful. I have some zinnias out in bloom too. They are so fun and colorful. Next year, I plan to plant more! Wow, there sure was a lot of bacon in that BLT! I hope you have a good week and that your temps and humidity go down.

acorn hollow said...

I will decide next spring.
We have churches that hold harvest dinners. We will be seeking them out this year.

Chatty Crone said...

You could make 10 BLT's from that sandwich.
Your town has interesting statues there girl.
Yeah, for you making the only pie and winning $100. You can't win if you don't try.
Is your hot in the mid 90's?
I never heard of a Masonic Lodge doing dinners. Cool.
Hope you stay cool. sandie

Rugs and Pugs said...

Your plants do not look weather weary!
Congrats on your win. Thanks for the laugh but I'm sure if there were other entries, you still would have won.

kathyinozarks said...

How fun that you won-congrats-strange no one else entered a pie.
I used to make a lot of pies from scratch but in the last few years went to baking crisps instead. I never did accomplish an edible gluten free pie crust for me.
Your garden flowers looking wonderful considering the hot summer. I have totally given up on any outdoors work-we are in the second week of 95 degrees and up with high humidity-ugh
Your meal out sounds fabulous Happy new week

Marie Smith said...

Great looking pie. Congratulations on the win!

I am thinking the same regarding the autumn. Hope it’s cooler!

Prims By The Water said...

Happy belated birthday! That is one big BLT and great way to use it up for sure. How gun you won. Interesting art. I love when towns do this. This year our town had folks paint the old fire hydrants that are no longer in use. They were cool to look at. Janice

Granny Marigold said...

How awesome to win that gift certificate. I'm sure your pie would have won even if there had been more entries but why in the world did no one else enter?
I don't want to wish summer away but I'm so looking forward to Fall and cooler weather.

TheCrankyCrow said...

I agree - your plants certainly don't look stressed in the least - they look beautiful! My flowers aren't particularly thriving this year - so wet that there are a lot of insects, so a lot of insect damage. The ham and bean dinner sounds fabulous. can't even do fast-food for that price. I never fared well at those types of dinners though since I don't eat much at once - I just graze non-stop throughout the day. Congrats on the win! Wow, I'm surprised that you were the only entry. Perhaps, like cursive writing, pie baking is a dying art?? Wish I could share some o cool weather and rain with those who are suffering from heat and drought. Today we didn't get out of the 60's...and rain is now moving in. Only a handful of high heat/humidity days here this summer. Happy new week.... ~Robin~

Julia said...

Congratulations on winning the pie contest. It looks like cooks takes a break during the heat and humidity. I bet your pie would have beaten the competition anyway. Your flowers are looking well taken care of. I've been weeding and cleaning out my iris bed and a daylily bed also. Can't keep ahead of the weeds in this heat and humidity. The cucumbers and beans have gone crazy.
Take care.
Hugs, Julia

acorn hollow said...

You are very kind but I was happy to win the gift certificate anyway I could lol
We finally have the perfect day low humidity and high 70s just perfect.

acorn hollow said...

Today is beautiful and I am taking every minute of it in that I can.
Thanks for the visit

Debbie said...

seems everyone is talking about the heat and humidity, it sure has been hot here too!! your pie is beautiful and i am sure it was delicious!! your flowers are beautiful, i love zinnias to cut and bring in the house!!

yaya said...

Congrats on the pie win! My daughter-in-law entered one of those when they lived in Ohio near the Smucker's factory. She won 2 years in a row and they suggested she enter the national one for a million dollar win. Alas, they moved from there but you never know when it's your lucky day! I would never win. Pies aren't my strong suit! I'm betting yours are yummy! I'm over the heat also. You know me and my love of Fall but I'm trying to not rush my life. We're on the radar for some cooler days over the weekend and I'm hoping maybe to have a little fire in the pit! Enjoy the rest of your week and your plants are beautiful as always! Love it!


Your garden may be heat-weary, but your hydrangea and zinnias are still shining brightly! It's always a relief to see plants bounce back, even after a tough start. I can relate to the frustration with garden pests—hopefully, they'll move on soon.

The local art and community events sound like a lot of fun. That BLT and ham and bean dinner must have been delicious! And congrats on winning the pie contest, even if you were the only entry—that’s a victory worth celebrating!

I just posted a new blog post at I invite you to read. Thank you!

Bonnie K said...

Thanks for sharing. Love the sculptures. That is my kind of Bacon Bacon Bacon sandwich. Congratulations on winning the pie baking contest! It looks yummy.