Thursday, August 8, 2024


The heat and humidity finally broke! We have had rain and hot humid weather for crazy long stretches. The Silence of no fans running makes sleeping so much better. We are going to get some of the hurricane but after that we should be good again.
Our resident frog hanging out in our little pond. And we are hearing the peepers at night now. 
I got this plant when I retired last year. I wintered it over in the house,and it was looking pretty dead. I put it outside this spring gave it some fertilizer and said grow or compost. Grow it did! It is loaded with buds.
I thought the chipmunks got my naked ladies but here they are!

Last night a car show and 2 different concerts in town.
I am not a car person but it was fun to look.

But of course my favorite the Scooby-Doo mystery machine.

Is it me or is bread shrinking?
Not that I need more bread but yikes! This is a name brand bread. 
It has been a great few days. Time with my grand,a birthday for me,a good dentist appointment, my pulled muscle is fially getting better and I am back walking and great weather.  I have a few plans for fun in the future and pre football starts tonight. Life is good. 
    Have a wonderful weekend.


Marie Smith said...

Product shrinkage is ridiculous these days. They won’t be able to downsize things much smaller anyway. They’ve reached the limit with that for most products. Have a great weekend.

Boud said...

I love those car shows, though I'm not a gearhead either. I'm noticing how tiny my breakfast slice is, a mini version these days. It's good bread but I'd like the grownup size please.

Saundra said...

Like Marie I've noticed packaged and boxed goods have gotten smaller but the prices either remain the same or increase. That's Bidenomics for ya.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Not only is a slice of bread shrinking, but also the size of ice cream containers, a real tragedy to we ice cream aficionados! It has been a while since we have bought a loaf of bread as we're English muffin fans, but I have noticed the prices are getting larger while the slices are getting smaller. Yeah to the cooler weather in NH, even if rain is forecast. Happy (early) 🎂 wishes to you!

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

Oh yes - shrinking of everything except the prices! Grrrrr. Yay for cooler temps - send them my way - and I love old cars - and I don’t mean the 2000 truck I use to haul hay. Dreaming of a 1963 Nomad - yeah - dreaming! Have a good rest of the week, Mary

Hill Top Post said...

Good news that you are back to walking again. Yes, I have noticed that slices of bread seem to be smaller, especially the wheat breads. I love the frog!

Deb J. in Utah said...

The car show looks like lots of fun. So glad that your weather has cooled down and that life is going well. I love how your "retirement plant" has taken off. It's so great that you could spend some more time with your granddaughter. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Debbie said...

you have had a grand few days...i can't tell you how much i enjoy those car shows. there was one scheduled here but got cancelled because of the rain!! i have noticed that EVERYTHING is shrinking, except me!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Happy, Happy, Birthday Cathy!!! Hope you were spoiled right and proper. Awww...sweet frog. I love frogs and toads. My first chore each morning (after medicating and feeding the kitties, of course) is to rescue any toads/frogs that were silly enough to go for a midnight swim in the pool. I hear you about the shrinkage thing... One would think our country's obesity issue would be resolving since we are all getting less than we were used to...but that doesn't seem to be the case. If I want to see an old car show, I just go into my husband's garage. I'm still dealing with that mess. I will likely keep the 1955 Nomad (sorry, Mary...not a '63!), give the Hellcat to my son, and sell the rest. They need to be driven as it isn't good for them to just sit...and a hermit doesn't drive much. ~Robin~

Lauren said...

Happy belated birthday!
Aren’t Naked Ladies amazing? I am in awe of their rapid growth every year!
Rugs and Pugs

Lauren said...

You got that right! Didn’t he refer to that as shrinkflation?

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Car shows are a lot of fun looking at the work the owners put into them.

Jeanie said...

Funny you mention the bread. We haven't bought bread in years and I did yesterday because the Littles were coming and that meant sandwiches for lunch and toast for breakfast -- more than chef Rick could turn out. Yikes! Expensive ANd small! Those cars are really fun!

Granny Marigold said...

Car shows amuse me for a while, maybe half an hour, then I want to go home.

Julia said...

Happy Birthday, Cathy. Yes the prices are increasing and the products content is decreasing. I think it's happening everywhere. I used to make bread but I noticed that it made my waist line increase, so I cut back on that.

Enjoy the weekend.

Donna said...

Well I thought it was just MY imagination! Bread is shrinking here, as well! I'm SO tired of this!
Cool cars!