Thursday, July 25, 2024


Today after my walk I got out in the gardens to dead head. 
We have had 3 solid days of rain and some of it was torrential. 

Sooo, what did I do? Well, I made a couple of potholders.

Started gluing my pages together for my junk journal until I ran out of glue. 

Made a banana cake with a peanut butter glaze.

Got out in my garden between rain drops to pick a few things.
My husband made this cute gathering basket. (box with handle?)
Took everything out of our family room and cleaned and polished the floor. Especially where our bar stools are. Shook out all my rugs and reloaded the room all dusted and done! 

And husband well he made this wine bar for our porch. The back lights up. All with recycled wood.  
We are having company Sat night, and they haven't been here in some time, so I am busy planning apps and drinks. It will be so nice to have them here for a lovely evening of catching up. And the weather will be perfect for the porch. 
Since yesterday I have had a backache. I do get them but not a lot.
today I took one motrin and a little heat it is feeling better. 
I know it is from lifting, bending, and pulling. Not as young as I use to be.  
I also finished my book "The Cliffs" good but I liked her other book "Maine" better. I think I will do an audio book next; I can do other things while listening to them.
I called my sweet aunt this morning we haven't talked in a while. 2 hours later we are all caught up lol. I was blessed with wonderful aunts, and she is all I have left now. She is on the younger side, so I hope to have her many more years. 
I do want to thank you for your wonderful comments. It is like getting mail. Have a wonderful weekend. 


Saundra said...

A couple years ago I purchased on of those kid's pot holder metal frames and some of the old style cotton ribbed rings to make a few for myself. Think in one of my purging episodes it was given back to the thrift store.
COOL wine bar hubby made for your weekend guests. Oh my, I know the backache feeling and when yours has gone away and you want more exercise drop down here and do my floors, lol.

Marie Smith said...

We need rain after a few days of sun and heat. Love the new wine table.

Deb J. in Utah said...

It's always nice to get things all cleaned up. I love your wood floors. We have hardwood floors in our house too. I used to make those kind of pot holders when I was a kid. I have been suffering with a back pain too - I am thinking I have sciatica. Not fun. I hope you have a good weekend.

Granny Marigold said...

I like the gathering basket that your husband made. I wonder if that's what is sometimes referred to as a trug?
Your wood floor looks amazing! I must admit mine is in need of a good cleaning and polishing too. It's a lot of work. No wonder your back hurts.

Prims By The Water said...

Looks like you were quite productive even with the rain. Hubby's tote and wine bar look fabulous. Am sure you will have fun with your friends. Have a great weekend! Janice

Debbie said...

WoW!!! lots of really fun things on that rainy day!! i really like the gathering box...and those pot holders, remind me of my youth!!

Marcia said...

You have been busy. We got 3 inches of rain in one day and then another 1/2 inch the next day.

Chatty Crone said...

We have that same much needed rain like you. I love your new wine table. You two are always busy with nice projects.

Rugs and Pugs said...

You have been so productive. I try...but seems I fail miserably most of the time.
Rain...oh how I wish some would fall in northern Ohio. I despise watering. Waste of time and money but it must be done, though I just do the annuals in pots, etc.
Great wine bar! Such a talented hubster.
I hope you had a great time catching up with friends...and your dear aunt.

Jeanie said...

You've been incredibly busy -- well done! I hope your back is better this week and before your guests on Saturday. Your husband is so talented -- I love both the gathering box and the wonderful wine bar. Wine and apps is one of my favorite kinds of gatherings! Happy week!