Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wonderful Time At The Beach!

                          We all got to the beach in Maine about noon on Monday. First up food!!! And lots of it. We shared it was so good. 

                              Tuesday, we headed for bedrock gardens in Lee NH. It was the start of a very hot few days, but we still loved everything about it. 
                                    Such a beautiful peaceful setting 

                                                              We stuck to the shade as much as possible. 

Water lilies 

So, what do you do after a hot garden walk?

Why go to the beach of course. The cool ocean breezes were a relief.
The water was so cold I did not go in. 

Next day out early to visit a beautiful garden center in 
Kennebunk Me. 
Snug Harbor Farms. 

They had doves or some said pigeons.
I have driven by this place a thousand times and never knew it is as large as it is.  

A climbing hydrangea just beautiful.
we picked up a couple of little things and off we went.
We had ice cream for lunch and more beach time.  

We worked on this craft it is for a hook in this fall. Wonderful right?

We toasted beautiful sunsets and had the loveliest time. 

We swapped gifts. A mushroom for my garden and a new pair of gardening gloves. Oh, the wand is the best! You can fill it with your favorite spice such as salt and pepper and then wave your magic wand over your plate voila seasoned!!! I love it!

Donna made handmade vinegars chive and tarragon. 
With a few other lovelies (look at those buttons!)

Watching the moon come up the last full day of spring.
Yes, that is our sweet little cottage. 

And today well today was sad, time to go home. 
I got up early and walked to get donuts. We all left for home about noon. I feel so blessed to have these amazing friendships and to have Donna host us by the sea. 
It has been thundering since I got home but the temp has dropped 20 degrees. Yeah!
About my floor that porch floor has been there for at least 25 years. It weathers just fine.
It has been scrubbed and scrubbed and sealed I guess I never showed it before. But thank you for all the compliments. 
I will be around to visit everyone to see what I have missed while I was away. 


Lauren said...

What fun! Isn’t it great to have such amazing friends? You are blessed.
Are those little painted peat pots?
Hopefully some rain came with the thunder. I am about desperate for rain. All the storms have missed us. I love summer but it is stinking hot!
Rugs and Pugs

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

What a wonderful getaway-such good friends to share the time with Lucky you, lucky them!

TheCrankyCrow said...

What a wonderful getaway! That food looks amazing! Something we don't get much around here is seafood. The garden and garden center look beautiful. I love visiting garden centers, antique stores and cemeteries...they are so peaceful to me. Those little peat pots are adorable! I just might have to paint some up. I did decoupaged ones for Easter a few years back but Halloween will be even more up my alley. And, yes, your porch floor is incredible. Like someone else said, it's far nicer than any floor in my house proper. It obviously bespeaks of the care and attention you give it. Glad you found cooler temps. I am sitting in a sweatshirt now and none too warm. Tomorrow I will likely have to put the heat on - at least for a while. Nod's weather can be fickle...but mostly it's cold. ~Robin~

Saundra said...

Always a joy to see friends and always sad to leave them. But those photos, friendly gifts and memories will be enjoyed even this winter when you want that sun and smell of sea breeze.

Marcia said...

What a great time you had. Nothing like time away with friends.

Granny Marigold said...

Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. I enjoyed all your pictures and marveled at the gorgeous beach. Painted peat pots...what a great idea.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Looks like a fantastic getaway! So important to connect with friends. -Jenn

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We have visited Bedrock Gardens and it is amazing as you said, Cathy. A return visit would be great, but in cooler weather for me. The beach photos showed what a wonderful time you and your friends were enjuoying -- good for all of you!

Marie Smith said...

It sounds like a great time with friends! Until next time…

Jeanie said...

What a fabulous time you had! I don't know what I liked best -- the feast (were those mussels, my favorite?); the beach time (because what's not to love about beach time!); the camaraderie or the crafting. Are those tiny peat pots painted up so cute? They're wonderful -- what a great idea! The gardens look just beautiful and so does every other photo. I love that you exchanged gifts and you got some super fun things! What a grand celebration of friendship!

Prims By The Water said...

What a fun trip to the beach! So very nice to have a friend who shares her home with you all. Those painted peat pots look so adorable. Please share what they will be used for or if just a decoration. We might have some more thunderstorms roll in tonight. Just hoping it cools down some. Janice

Julia said...

What a wonderful time you had with your faithful friends. You girls know how to have fun... Oh, the seafood makes my mouth water. You got some great gifts and it was nice of your friend Donna to host this getaway by the beach. I love the sea air, it's so relaxing. My brother always rents the same cottage by the sea every summer. It's such a peaceful, carefree place to spend the summer.

I love visiting spectacular gardens too. The climbing Hydrengea is stunning.

Me, I've been missing in action, my knees glued to the ground, lol...No time to take life easy like you. The planting is done but now this big rain we got will really make the weeds grow.

Take care, hugs. Julia

Donna said...

I am so fortunate to be a part of this group and share my "cottage" with them. I love our time at "Summer Camp". You captured it wonderfully.

Chatty Crone said...

Haha I was thinking a Florida Beach! Looks like you had a wonderful time with friends. Which one was you? And man it is so hot here - you can't imagine. Nice beach.