Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Penny Wise, Dollar Foolish?

I met up with a friend and we took a walk around town on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee. Usually, this time of year this lake is frozen solid. But not this year it has been too warm. We saw two funny things first a boat being pulled from the water. That had to be one cold ride! brrrr! and 3 otters fishing and playing in the water. They were too far out to get a good picture put so fun to watch. The wind was blowing off the water, so it was a cold walk. 

After I got home, we were having leftovers so out of the freezer I pulled some biscuits that I had frozen. When I make a batch of cookies, biscuits etc I freeze at least half of them individually on a cookie sheet (not cooked) and put them in a freezer bag to cook for a later meal. It worked great leftovers don't seem like leftovers with warm biscuits. 
I am frugal in many ways. You all know that I bought expensive socks lately. (I did not pay 33.00 for them. They were 21.00 less 20%) Am I penny wise and dollar foolish?? I am not sure. I wash out the heavy-duty storage bags if they did not hold meat. My husband made the little thing to dry them on. I can get lots of uses out of some of those bags. 

Speaking of leftovers, I took all the odd crackers that were opened and gave them a spin in the food processor spread them on a cookie sheet and put it in a low oven for about 1/2 hour just to get them crispy. We had leftover chicken and rice, so I made balls coated them in the crackers and fried them. (If you have an air fryer even better)
voila another way to use leftovers!
 I would love to know if there are little ways you save or do a redo of leftovers. 
We are pretty cold tonight going down to 5 degrees and there will be storm coming in Thursday I sure hope it stays snow but that is not what they are saying. UGG 
Have a wonderful week!!


Rugs and Pugs said...

I must admit that I don't often reuse a freezer bag.
My mother was the original frugal/recycle queen. She passed away in 2010, but the family joke is if there is a piece of aluminum foil, I am asked if I want to save it in honor of mom. Sweeet memory.

Chatty Crone said...

I try to be frugal. I am not a big leftover person - I really try to cook the amount we will eat - it is a mental thing - my hubs will eat left overs though.

Saundra said...

OH what a delightful part of the map that makes me smile. My first husband and I went there to visit with his IBM buddy's family home and was elated at how beautiful it was. Can't remember which month it was but the water was warm enough for me to get in the water and see the crawfish swimming close. Thanks for dredging up that fond memory.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello. We use up leftovers too, and I wash out and reuse ziplock bags. I try to be frugal - but I know I could do better. Stay warm. We are currently having another snow storm. Driving tomorrow will be a real treat. ;-)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Leftovers are the best part of cooking in my opinion although the only time we have them is when soup, chili, or something slse is done in the crockpot. Yes, to rinsing out and reusing freezer bags that did not hold meats, chicken, fish. Often I will use them to protect something that is already packaged and the. Rinse and reuse, but without a handy drier like yours, Cathy. Mine are draped over a mixing spoon😀

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, I would have loved to have watched the otters. Never seen on in person, but I love seeing play on Yellowstone videos over on fb.
brought up by my farm girl Mom-nothing is wasted. Loved how you repurposed the crackers-happy mid week

Julia said...

That water looks beautiful. Our river is still open but there is a little bit of ice on the edge as our temperatures have gotten a bit colder and we had a sprinkle of snow yesterday.

I wash and reuse my freezer Ziplock bags in hot soapy water too. For meat, I use thin food-grade plastic bags and then put the whole thing in a ziplock bag. After rinsing the Ziplock bags, I wipe the inside and outside with a clean towel and hang them to dry. They are too expensive to only use once.
Here we love leftovers and I also use cracker crumbs for coating pork chops and fish.
Your fried leftover chicken and rice look delicious.

Stay well and warm.

hurdla said...

Yep always reusing plastic when possible. And wool clothing for hooking, sweaters for mittens with fleece linings, and left overs for sure. We’ve paired down to just the two of us but I swear I still cook for four. Such a hard thing for me for some reason. And with the price of groceries the leftovers repurposed in different ways is a “must do” over here. Storms headed in tomorrow with travel plans to MA so will leave REAL early tomorrow morning.

Prims By The Water said...

Our river is still ice free, however the Winter ducks have moved in. I so love the diving ducks! Seeing those otters would be wonderful! I try to be as frugal as I can. I make my menu plans for a month and only buy what I need. Janice

acorn hollow said...

You are right it is so hard to cook for two. Have a safe trip to MA.

TheCrankyCrow said...

I love leftovers and swear most foods are better the second or third day. But a few "repurposed" foods that were staples in our family were making leftover mashed potatoes into twice baked potatoes (sans the skins of course), making croutons of bread going stale, etc. My mom, however, was the absolute queen of re-do's. She could take food and transform it into something else and you'd never guess that you were eating something leftover that we already had. BUT, call me wasteful, but I draw the line at washing out plastic bags. Growing up we even reused bread bags... We did not air dry things and my job was drying dishes so I had to dry those stupid bags and couldn't tell you how much I hated it. We weren't posh enough to have ziplocs back then. ~Robin~

Dicky Bird said...

OMG those fried chicken and rice balls look delish!!

Farm Girl said...

I love making enough stuff for leftovers. I always love seeing how I can change and make new meals with what ever else I have on hand.
Its beautiful going for a hike like that. We just have mud. Lots and lots of mud.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Jeanie said...

I am so inspired by this post! Those biscuits look delicious -- maybe I'll make biscuits for dinner tonight! Everything looks good!

We have zero snow here. But smaller ponds are still in that precarious state of thin ice.

kcmrugs@gmail.com said...

You’re frugal as they come. Buying better socks is frugal if they outlast the cheapies. On the other hand I have an extremely frugal friend who whispered to me that she splurges on a hand cream that costs $25. Perhaps it’s just where we have our priorities. Soft hands is self-care for her.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love leftovers! Back when I worked as a prep cook we baked from frozen cookies. Love good socks. Hubby bought me good socks and I LOVE them. So worth it and lots of fun colours. Happy Weekend. Cheers, Ivy.

yaya said...

Leftovers become hubby's lunch the next day. Many times I take leftovers to friend's for a quick dinner for them. My coworkers also enjoy it if I bring cookies or other baked goods in.
Our weather has been usually warm too but today it dropped down again with snow. Now on Monday it's going to be 50de again! Too crazy for northern Ohio in January! Have a good weekend!