Sunday, March 13, 2022

It All Started like this

To recap I kept the germaniums from last year. I took all the dirt off the roots and cut it back, put it in carboard box in a cool closet and had this. 

I planted it just about 2 weeks ago and look! It worked! Now to plant the rest and how wonderful I do not have to buy new plants this year!

We got a bit more snow on Saturday. Heavy wet snow. I am so ready for spring. 

I checked the porch after the storm, and I spy a visitor! Time to check to make sure there is no little critter setting up camp for the summer. 

I made the best drop biscuits that I have ever had!
I added a bit of cheese they were crispy on the outside and soft and warm on the inside. 
Let me know if you would like me to post the recipe.
The time change is already bothering me I wish they would leave well enough alone. 
Have a wonderful week. 



Angela said...

Yes please on the recipe! Stone henge joke so funny!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Yay on the geraniums!! Now if I will only remember this trick. Nah...nevermind....Odds are I would never get them out of the ground before they froze anyway. LOL on the Stonehenge meme...I agree with the time change malarkey. I have always thought the old Native American saying about "only the government would think you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it on the bottom and have a longer blanket" pretty much sums it up LOL. YES on the biscuit recipe!!! ~Robin~

Julia said...

Good job on the geranium, I don't save mine because of flooding in spring as the only cool place is the basement.

I love drop cheese biscuits like the one The Lobster Hut makes and I make them now and then. They are so yummy. Now that you reminded me, I will probably make them next Sunday as I try to fast from the tempting food during lent. I would like to see if your recipe is close to mine as they look pretty much the same.

I'm with you with the time change. God knew what he was doing with the rhythm of nature and the season, why do the government mess with it, and everything else that is natural.

Take care, hugs


Saundra said...

Agree the Stonehenge joke was funny. And so was Cranky Crow's analogy. FUNNY GIRL

Deb J. in Utah said...

Those biscuits look delicious! I wintered some geraniums that way, and I hope they do that well as yours. The Stonehenge meme is a hoot. Hope you have a good week.

Onevikinggirl said...

Thanks for the information on geraniums, I wish I had known earlier. At least I moved mine into the cold greenhouse but they froze in the pots as uncovered, so don’t try that. Novice gardener lesson one. (No real loss, they came with the house.)
Yes, please, biscuit recipe. said...

Please do post the biscuit recipe ! Down south we would call them cat head biscuits - if they’re as big as they look. I feel guilty tossing my geraniums each year. I must try this

susan hemann said...

My mother used to save her geraniums every year, she would cut the stem in pieces and then place them in pots each spring.

Love the time change picture, lol

I hate the time change

Sue in Suffolk said...

Couple more weeks before we change clocks here. I don't mind in Spring as that means summer is coming but in the autumn clocks back is not to good

JustGail said...

Yes please on the biscuit recipe!

I tired to save geraniums a long time ago, and had zero success. I think our basement at the time was too warm perhaps to do as you did. Yet it was too cold and dark to keep them potted up.

Thanks for the time change giggle, sometimes it feels like that with finding clocks for a week that still need changing.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Good job on the geraniums!
I love the extra hour of daylight we get, but I think ending DST is long overdue.
Stonehenge meme cracked me up.
Hopefully that is the last major snow for you.

Prims By The Water said...

Yes please on the biscuits too! I am tired f the time change. Great geraniums. They will bloom perfectly. Janice

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful to see your geranium come to life.
Those biscuits look delicious, I make my own instead of bread.


yaya said...

Jack gets geraniums from one of his patients and they are beautiful and I feel guilty throwing them out each year. I'm going to try this at the end of the season. Those biscuits look yummy and I would like the recipe. I hope warmer weather is on the way and Spring finds you soon!

Jeanie said...

I've never weathered geraniums but someone told me to put them in a paper bag in the basement so I did. I think they're still alive and it's about time to bring them up, repot them and wait for it to be warm enough that they can go outside. I have no idea if I did it right but if they turn out half as beautiful as yours, I will be satisfied!