Sunday, March 20, 2022

Things I would Rather Do

It rained yesterday..a lot and add the melting snow and this is what the dirt road I walk on looks like. 

And this is what 4 hard miles looks like. But the air was lovely, and the birds were singing and busy and the brook was really running. It was good for the soul mud and all. Speaking of birds, we have easter blue birds for the first time this year. One tried to get in the big birdhouse husband built several years ago. He would get halfway in all you could see was his behind and his legs kicking as hard as he could trying to get in the hole. Husband went out made the holes a bit bigger. Not 10 minutes later back he comes and slips right in. He stuck his head out of the hole looking around so cute. I think he was surprised he slipped in so easily.  I do hope they build there so we can watch them. 

Well of course if you are going to walk 4 hard miles you need fuel. I made molasses donuts. Not as good as my grandmother's but it did the trick.

I am just an ok housekeeper. As my mother used to say. "Good enough to be healthy, good enough to be happy" Well I got a new cheap vacuum as dragging the hose for my central vacuum was getting old. I was so impressed with how much it filled up thinking look at me! Then it occurred to me I have been living with this! 
To be fair I have so many other things I prefer doing compared to housework.

Like dying wool this is before....

this is after! Not a great picture but a toned-down limey green.

And I much prefer a hook in my hand than a duster. 

Or flipping through an old cookbook salvaged from the dump (aka swap shop)

Or maybe having some really great cheese and crackers I got at Aldi's while chatting with husband. 
And that is just a few of the things I like to do. 
So how about you? Good at housework?
I meet up with the hooking ladies again tomorrow looking forward to it. (Another thing I would rather do) 
Have a wonderful week!
I am having issues with blogger not posting the comments to my email. I went in to try and fix it but no luck and not sure why it just stopped. I will try to post my notes to your comments on these posts until I get some kind of fix for it. 


Prims By The Water said...

Going outside these past few days hearing the birds is a nice feeling! Hoping your bluebird stays. So cool. I would rather do anything than housework. LOL Janice

Saundra said...

When I was a tad younger and worked at a job my house was cleaner. Now I'm retired, the longevity shorter so I forgive myself for my home not being as clean as it once was. Obviously there comes a point when even I can't stand seeing the tiny pieces of wool on the carpet.
I haven't pulled out the dye pots in a while but have been thinking about it. Guess that needs to happen before the weather gets too warm to have that in my kitchen.

yaya said...

There are many things I like doing other than housework! However, I do a pretty good job of the main areas but my basement area gets put off until "tomorrow". I'm glad your weather has improved enough to get in a good walk. I'm getting back on track with my walking and trying to be in shape for work! Enjoy your hooking and your friends and I love the bee! Have a good week Cathy! said...

I guess being a “good” house keeper is all relative. In my home everything looks pretty tidy and then you open a cupboard. … But an older woman I know washes walls and windows and takes rugs out to beat twice a year while her daughter’s method of dusting is blowing hard across a surface.
I’d rather hook than do just about anything too! Your comments in your walk suggest you’d rather be out in creation!

JustGail said...

When I was young, I stressed over keeping the house clean. Working full-time, weekends were filled with cleaning, laundry, grocery run, garden, etc. I swapped the storm windows and screens scrubbed inside and out twice a year by myself. As time has passed, not so much. You'd think my house would be spotless since I retired. Not to mention home cooked from scratch meals on the table every day. You'd be wrong, oh so wrong. I'd rather have fabric and threads in my hands.

I once told a co-worker that I envied his weekend task of helping replace a roof. He thought I was bonkers until I told him at least that shouldn't need to be redone for 20 years unlike cleaning the house. It's not that I don't like the actual cleaning, it's that it doesn't STAY done for any length of time. It's the same with cooking - so much time to plan and get the supplies, make meals from scratch, it's eaten in 10-20 minutes, and then there's yet another mess to clean up.

Farm Girl said...

haha cleaning house is always what I must do in order to hook. I always think, I will never have a clean house like my Mother's was, Its always a great day in my opinion if I am dyeing wool.
I love that color of green, My goodness, all of that mud! That is so cute about the bluebirds. I hope they stay too. I hope you get to do lots of things you want to this week.

Hill Top Post said...

Housekeeping steals our creative time. But I do like a clean and well organized house. There is something satisfying about sloshing through the mud.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I go for tidy and clean enough - which leaves plenty of time for reading!

TheCrankyCrow said...

I would have loved to seen that bluebird's butt LOL. Sweet of your hubby to accommodate him (her??)'s a love/hate relationship. Love it when it's done, hate doing it. Like so many others have commented, my house was a lot cleaner when I didn't have the time I do now. It's hard being a perfectionist because nothing is ever good enough or clean I spare myself the disappointment. 🤪 Yummy donut...and yummy colors of wool! Happy new week.... ~Robin~ (PS...let me know if you figure out that blogger glitch...I've been trying for years already. It's not "all" comments, just the comments of some...and the number of those some increases all the time. As you know, you are one LOL.)

Julia said...

I'm finally catching up to comment on your blog. These last few days have been crazy busy for me, even on Sunday, with meetings.
How I wish we had bluebirds here. I hope they come to our area someday. That would be so cool.
That's a lot of mud but you're a good sport. I love this time of year when everything is waking up to new life, I love listening to the birds and I'm still waiting to see my first Robin.

Your doughnut sounds yummy. My grandmother used to make molasses pie and it was so delicious.

My housework has been piling up lately and I can remember when I was younger, my house was neat and tidy but not now. Since my husband has retired from the dairy business, he's home more and everything is scattered everywhere. Oh well, the little crosses we have to bear are many and varied.

Enjoy your spring weather.
Hugs, Julia

WoolenSails said...

That is the bad thing in the spring, mud on walks. I love the colors in your bee, that is going to be beautiful.
I have only seen a pair of bluebirds once, wish we had some living here.


Rugs and Pugs said...

I would rather do just about anything other than clean!
What fun that you have bluebirds. I do hope they have babies.
Great start to another fun rug.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

A friend had a sign which always made me laugh, it read "Housework will make you ugly" and so I told my husband that I didn't want to take any chances. I agree with you, Cathy, that housework is not a favorite chore and living in a mill apt there seems to be more dust than when we had a house. My goal is to dust all surfaces well every 2 weeks and ignore the dust in between. Those donuts were a great reward after your walk and well deserved!