Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Finds

I slept in this morning so I think I missed some good stuff. But it was raining so probably not to much. I hit a few sales and the dump. this wooden tray I thought was kinda cute. An old easter basket and a bag of thread most are on wooden spools. All a pretty good bargin.
Then I stopped at the dump on the way home. They have a little shed that people can leave things in that they think someone else would want. I spied this and my heart did a flip in my chest. A beautiful old yellow ware bowl.

And then I saw this. It is a very bad patch job and the reason it was at the dump. Ahhhhhhh.
Well I couldn't leave it could I? So I cleaned it up and added pinecones and a nest. I put a zinc flower pot in the middle that has a candle in it and I have a center piece. I wish I could get the pieces out and clean the old glue off and do a better patch job but it is what it is.

The air is so heavy I hate this weather. and the reason I live in northern N.E. so I don't have to deal with this kind of air. I picked up my check at the antique booth yeha!! another good month.
in 3 months I have taken home over 450.00 that is just from yard sale and thrift store finds. I really enjoy this little hobby. maybe I will get the courage to do ebay at some point.


Shara said...

Wow great sales on your booth! That is great!
I see you signed up at Yardsalequeen - come over and post. It's a great place!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Cathy ~
Your yellowware bowl is wonderful. I don't pass up something just because it has been repaired or missing a piece ~ even when buying.
Congrats on another good month at the antique mall. Making money is good so you can buy more treasures...or wool!
Hopefully your weather will be better in a day or two. Here in northern Ohio it is finally a beautiful day, but I think another heat wave is coming Monday. At least I got some much needed yard work done today and hopefully will get more done tomorrow.
Pug hugs :)

lace & arsenic said...

...i have this overwhelming hatred for u. kidding. but, surely jealousy!...that bowl is incredible!..and, with it used as such, who cares if its cracked!..(thats my motto, if its not already broken or cracked, it will be, after being in my house! lol)...awesome cathy!..and congrats on ur booth too!..ebay is a cinch. u would love it and master it! i miss it greatly!....anyways! awesome post!