Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Free Stuff

The weather is a bit better but still not super good. Sleeping at night is better.
I know I sound like a broken record but why do people throw away things that could be at the very least donated to a thrift store? My dump finds for today are 2 vintage tablecloths the green one is stained but the red white and blue never used. I think I will keep that one for the the 4th. I never met a frame I didn't like, I repaint or what ever needs to be done, a cute box I think would look good with cookies or candy in it for the holidays. Some things for my daughter.
and my favorite find is this vintage baby book never written in. How cute are those friends???

I also got about 7 current magazines and 2 biscuit cutters. price all free! I especially love it when the dump worker helps me pick. I have 2 guys that come out sometimes and help me when I am there. They just talk a little and help me move things around so sweet and funny. We talk about who would leave all this great stuff. Ok I am glad that they do but it makes me think of all the stuff I have missed yikes.


Thrifty Chic said...

Okay you know you shop at the dump too much when the dump guys help you pick through it all. I love your finds the green table cloth is adorable, im sure you'll be able to get out the stains with some oxyclean or M30. Love you

Unknown said...

Free = good!

One Cheap B*tch said...

Love that little book and its illustrations!
Free is my favorite four letter word - hahahahahahaha!


lace & arsenic said...

gotta agree with ur readers posts!...AND URS!...i always wonder what i missed, what the person right b4 me, walked away with! lol...LOVE the cloths! thats my weakness/passion too! (who am i kidding..it all is my passion! anything old and free. LOL)

svelteSTUFF said...

just found your blog on a RAINY Friday morning, when I WISHED I was out 'saling'. LOVE your Dump finds!!! Wish we had a dump like that around here 8-)
I'm sure those Dump Workers see SO much useful waste come through there, that they are more than happy to help anyone who is willing to give anything a second life!! Sue