Monday, May 24, 2010


We have two fireplaces in our house and we use the pressed sawdust logs you buy. I had heard that you can use rolled news paper the same way. We get the paper delivered everyday we do the puzzles at dinner together and read a few pages and off to the dump. I looked up how to make these logs just roll, soak for 2-3 days and dry. I will let you know how they burn once I get one dry. I spent the better part of Sunday cleaning my porch. This is my favorite part of the house in the summer. This is one half of it I will show you the other half later. Cute huh?(if I do say so my self.)
This time of year the moon comes out when the sky is still light.

And at the end of some days a fire is the way to relax.

This is just outside the door to the porch. These chairs my daughter's 8th grade class(she now teaches 6th grade) made and raffled them off We Won.


Rugs and Pugs said...

Cathy ~
Oh. I just LOVE your porch!!! It looks like a fun place. I bet it's a great place to sit and hook! Your stained glass window is wonderful.
I do hope all is well in your little corner of the world!
Pug hugs :)

lace & arsenic said...

CUTEST PORCH! ..i so miss my porchs. agree'd best spot/so often!...clever on the papers! what a great way to use them!...(at work/lincoln right now! hope ur long holiday weekend is wonderful!)

Unknown said...

Very cute porch! I'm curious about the newspaper logs. How many papers do you roll up and what do you soak them in? Thanks for following my blog!