Sunday, May 16, 2010

quiet weekend

my white lilac is in bloom so pretty. I love white flowers at dusk they seem to glow with the last of the days light and if we have a full moon they shine in the moon beams.
This weekend has been very different for me. My car has MAJOR problems for a car only 5 years old and under 60thousand miles. I will get it back tomorrow but have been without a car for 5 days. My husband wanted me to rent one I decided I didn't want to add that expense on top of the repairs. So no car and we are at lest 5 miles from a town. My husband drives limousine part time mostly during prom season and of course he had a job on Sat. It is about 7 miles for him to pick up the limo and is always out late. He also worked with some of his students on a habitat house in the morning. So that left me with no car and alone all day. What to do??? Well I cleaned the
the house. Got some stuff ready for my antique booth and worked in a long neglected garden.

This garden is over grown and out of control. So I worked and worked.

Now it is not all done but close. I plan on using cocoa shells for mulch and make this an herb garden mostly. I have lavender and a large rose bush already in it the other plants I plan on transplanting to another garden.
Today we went to my daughters then we all went to a home show. Nothing exciting. But on the way to her house we did stop at one yard sale. The two ladies where telling me how well they did
Sat. (please don't tell me that) I did spent 1.50.
The little pot I saw at the home show 3 for 20.00 I paid .50 the little house is a bank I plan to sell it and the nail polish is new and a good color for toes in the summer, I gave my daughter a snowman that I got.
Now I know how much I miss my car and just how quiet this house really is. I also realized I like my own company.

1 comment:

Rugs and Pugs said...

Cathy ~
Quiet time is good. I'm glad you got lots accomplished. If you run out of garden work, I'll share mine with!
Pug hugs :)