Thursday, October 17, 2024

Lots Of Pictures

This is the last of the witches hook in pictures.
There was no throw down or rug show. Things were not the same this year our fearless leader had a lot going on. But still a great time was had by everyone. 

So fun...

Around here whenever you attend a hooking event you get a charm.
Each one is unique. 

Not sure if Jane hooked this or just showing it off but beautiful!

In my swap gift I got this!! Hooked by Jane in the previous picture!

When you signed in you each got a goodie basket and a hookie cookie. We painted these (there is also a pumpkin).

And speaking of painting when the 4 of us gather we always swap gifts. Bonnie painted a wine glass for each of us.

Donna painted a box for each of us

And because we were there to hook I did get a bit more done on my rug. 

And last night I hosted my women's group here at home. 
I made a large pot of soup and everyone brought something else to share. We had a hard frost last night so the warm food tasted good. 
And they brought gifts Sweet Sue felted a pumpkin for me. It has a heart on the bottom and Janice painted the pumpkins and made the ginger pears. 
So my heart is full, my blessings are many. 
On another note I have a stye on my eye. I have never had one before and who knew they could be that painful??? Not much sleep last night I was up early putting a warm teabag on my eye. 
Well I am off to the post office I need to mail out my form for another hook in in January and mail some halloween cards. 
Have a wonderful week!!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

oh how fun and the soup looks delicious. how kind of you to host everyone at your home!!