Sunday, October 27, 2024


I am very grateful for all that I have and my wonderful family.
I made a very small batch of green tomato relish. I only had a small amout of green tomatoes left. I will use a few of the jars in Christmas gifts.
I bought a small bag of candy, who I am kidding we never get anyone here in the woods. So I bought Twix, I don't like them but husband does. 

Husband was feeling well enough to take a stroll through the vintage market,two miles from our house. I didn't get anything it was more stuff made in China than vintage.
But I saw a fellow witch shopping. 
It is a cool blustery day. A warm up is coming this week though. I made a run to the grocery store, this morning, now we are tucked in watching football and I am knitting. 
Husband is really improving thankfully.
Have a wonderful week!


Deb J. in Utah said...

You are having a lovely fall complete with beautiful fall colors! I hope your hubby is feeling better soon. Your green tomato relish looks good. We don't get many trick-or-treaters either, but we have a few treats to give out just in case. I hope you have a good week! See you again soon!

Mari said...

I'm glad your hubby is doing better!
We rarely get any trick or treaters either, but I always buy one bag, just in case someone stops. I get something Bob likes too. :)
Your relish will be a great gift for someone.

Saundra said...

Glad hubby was able to get out and about. I used to can, freeze, make jelly and jams and now only freeze a few things, including soups.
No one come here any longer on Halloween since the youth have all grown up and out of the development.

Prims By The Water said...

So sad that even the market is made in China. I am doing my moms church bazaar and hope it is a good day. My sister and I are sharing a table so at least we have time to share with our mom that day. PS. glad I reminded you of your hooked witch boots.. Janice