Sunday, October 6, 2024

Autum Joy

My daily walks are getting so pretty!!!

Even the browns are beautiful.

Our colors here are at peak and rain is coming in tonight and tomorrow which will bring a lot of the leaves down. 

Our morning coffee view.

I started the snow and tree on this rug. I am not sure that this is the correct color for the tree. I see my teacher and friend on Wed. I am now hooking with a 3 yikes! and if you know hooking you know that is s-m-a-l-l. 

And because I don't have enough hobbies I am now knitting a sweater. Ok teaching myself how to knit a sweater. I have friends who knit that I can go to for help thankfully. I bought cheap yarn for my first sweater just incase I get frustrated and give up. 
Hiking with a friend is cancelled for tomorrow. It is suppose to rain most of the day and if it should clear up, hiking on wet slippery leaves does not appeal to either of us.
I will use that time to pack and get my things together for my trip to Maine on Thur. for a few days.  I am going to the wooly witches hook in with my dear friends. We are all staying together in Donna's cottage. We always laugh and enjoy each other so much ( and eat and eat) when we are together. 
Another hurricane my heart is so sad. The poor people of NC. 
It makes me so grateful everyday for this life I have. 
Have a wonderful week and if you are in Florida stay safe. 


Kay G. said...

Oh, your daily walks are in such a pretty place! That second photo, I am certain that those coppery leaves are on a beech tree! They keep those leaves all Autumn and winter! So lovely to hear them rustling on a winter's day! You know I love to crochet! Knitting? Not so much. I knitted a scarf in 1985. That was enough for me! LOL!

Marie Smith said...

You commented on my blog about possibly coming this way next year. Maybe we can meet?

Saundra said...

Am looking forward to your woolie witches blog post again this year. The more photos the merrier, lol.

Mari said...

Your photos are so pretty! Sad that the rain will knock it down.
I don't know about hooking, but it looks like you do really nice work.
Have a great time on your trip!
I am so sad to hear of another hurricane.

kathyinozarks said...

Lovely photos, I tried knitting once and I just wasn't good at it at all-good luck hoping you enjoy it. Sounds fun a get together with your hooking friends-enjoy!! Happy new week

Rugs and Pugs said...

Hooking in a 3. YIKES!!!
I know you will have a blast at the hook in. Be sure to take lots of pictures to share.
My heart breaks for the people affected by Helene and am totally disgusted with our government and FEMA's response. I hope there is a reckoning and we get someone to lead our country who puts America first!!!

Granny Marigold said...

Pretty Autumn pictures. We're supposed to get rain by Tuesday and that will knock down a lot of leaves here too. Have a great week!!

Chatty Crone said...

Your view from your home is gorgeous. And you are getting ready for another trip. I hate the devastation from the last hurricane and another one is getting ready to rear it's head.