Monday, September 16, 2024

Summer's End?

Yesterday we celebrated my daughter's birthday. A few days late.
A brunch at a lovely scenic place.

When I say my daughter's age I think how can that be true? How fast the years tick by. And our lovely grand growing up by the minute!

It was mimosas and yummy meals all around.  

Then long time friends invited us to a boat ride and dinner.
I tried to catch all the loons together. There were 8 loons together which is rare. But I wonder if they are getting ready to fly south for the winter.

This is squam lake. There was a haze from the Canadian wildfires in the air. But the colors are starting to turn and it was a warm lovely evening, and perfect company who could ask for more? 

This popped up on my facebook account. When our grand was born not long after my husband got very sick and needed a bone marrow transplant so for our Sweet B's first year she thought we lived in a computer because we were quarantined. She is two here I think or not quite and we are apple picking. 

And this was yesterday with these two. She is our one and only and the love of our life. 

I have fun plans for later this afternoon. Hiking with my sweet friend. It is a gorgeous day. And tomorrow I am going to a talk on herbal practices and a tea. So the summer weather goes on for us here. No complaints from me. I could take this weather all year round but we know it will not last so love it while it is here. 
I am still moderating comments so you will not see your comment come up immediately but it will show up later. 
Have a wonderful week! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


On my walk today I spied this in the road.
We have had some very windy days. 

Since this was a large piece of a very large hive. I looked around but I could not spy the top part. 

So I took some pictures and moved on. Husband comes home from working out with it in his hands and yep there were wasps coming out of it!! Yikes and he had had it in the back seat of his truck! So anyway both of us danced around a bit and looked in his truck. Luckily no wasps in there. Life is never dull. 

I am in a pumpkin spice kind of mood. 
I know this creamer is not good for you but just once a year I get my fix and I am good. 

I even have it in our downstairs bath. 
My walks have been so quiet lately.I rarely meet anyone walking or a car. It gives me a lovely quiet time.

The colors are showing more and more each day.
And what lovely days we are having. Cool nights and warm lovely days. 
The moderation on the comments is going well. Well at least I think it is, please email me with any issues you are having with it.
Have a wonderful rest of your week.

Sunday, September 8, 2024


It is a clear, very crisp day here in NH.
50's with a very busy wind. 

The colors are starting to show. It is hard to believe that this week will bring 80's all week. I am in no hurry to turn the heat on. 

On Thursday I was invited to lunch. To a beautiful home in Maine. This home is on a lake and it is a custom built home with amazing custom details. I did take photos but I did not ask permission to put them here so I will not. It was a gathering of rug hookers. And the food, so much food!!! 
I was so happy to be included in this group. We had such a good time.

I picked some of my hydrangeas ( I need a ladder to get the good ones) and I put a few of my fall/ halloween decorations out.
I finished the pumpkin I was working on. I like how it came out

I have been harvesting some of the veggies from my little garden.
I got about 3.5 lbs of potatoes. Not bad for two seed potatoes.
We had the string beans oh my they were so good. With the warm weather coming I expect to get more tomatoes.

My newest book from the library I got a bit of a start on it I like it so far. There is a waiting list for this book so I need to get on it.
Comments, I found the only way to get all the comments to go to your email is to moderate comments, so when you comment you will not see it pop up. I have to approve it from my email. I am doing this so I can make sure I am answering everyone. I was always feeling so badly that I forgot someone. 
Not much on the calendar this week. I have a couple of closets to clean out. I want to do the spare room over and that closet is a dumping ground. 
Have a great week!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Fall Is That You???

On my walk today I noticed the shadows are so different from just a week ago.

Back to school today for my two loves. My daughter teaches and Sweet B is in her last year of middle school ugg. 

Here she is with her proud dad. He has a lot to be proud of with this young lady. 

Remember I told you last post we had no plans for the long weekend. Well that changed quickly. First we went to my husband's old high school buddy's house for a gathering and a boat ride Sunday. Monday 2 young men who helped us build our house 36 years ago wanted to stop by. What a joy it was to see them both! They are grandparents now! What!!!!Just where did the time go????
Then I got a message from my cousin in Maine they would be in my area could they stop by this morning? Yes and what a wonderful visit we had. They are at least 3 hours from us so we don't see each other often. So it turned out completely wonderful! With great fall weather to boot.

A blurry picture of a porcupine. He showed up about 6 pm and did not care one bit if we were walking around, talking and making noise. Do you think he lives nearby? I am guessing yes.

I am trying to stay off my phone, such a horrid habit. I worked on making a primitive pumpkin. It needs more stuffing and a face. The stem is not glued on yet. But it has been fun to create again. 

My dishwasher was not going through the whole cycle and jumping to clean when it hadn't released the soap yet. I went on youtube to figure out the issue. It was the door latch. It wasn't working properly voila works great now. (I hope) I was in no mood to purchase a new dishwasher I need front brakes, It is always something. 
Since it has been fallish type weather I baked individual 
chicken pot pies. I used puff pastry for the tops of them. They were quick and tasty using rotisserie baked chicken from the store, frozen mixed veggies and a can of cream of chicken soup. add milk, butter, spices and voila warm stick to your ribs dinner for very little money.
I am going to change some settings on my blog trying to get the comments to go to my email. If you get some strange message, yup that would be because it didn't work. Wish me luck.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful visits and comments I get to this blog. I read each one.
Have a great week!