Thursday, June 6, 2024

And In The End We Will Always Honor And Remember

  Picked from my garden today before the rains come tonight.
And oh, it smells so lovely.

Lupin on my hill.

Iris be still my heart. 

Just 2 hours south of us this is the weather they got yesterday. 
I am so very thankful it did not hit here!

This cow was so happy to be grazing among the buttercups. 
When I was young my mother would put a buttercup flower under my chin and if it cast a yellow color under my chin it was a sign, I liked butter. News flash I love butter!!

I have been keeping my bread machine busy. 
I make the small loaves, so it doesn't get stale before we eat it. 

Church sale today! I purchased this bread machine for a friend who thinks they may want one for 5.00. Buttttt it is better than mine and I know I use my bread machine all the time. Is it wrong to give her mine for free and keep this one???? Yes I will talk to her about it. 

I also purchased these rice bowls 6 for 2.00.

Voila! Look what it does when put up to the light. 
Cool right???

I got my Christmas cards and a Cuisinart loaf pan...

And this good size tray for 8.00. The tray I think will go on my porch. Speaking of porch, it is coming along it should be up and ready by early next week. 

Today we remember the largest sacrifice any human can give for their country. D day 80 years ago today. May we never forget what those brave men did for their country. I have looked through lots of pictures today and the young faces that were on those boats that never made it home. It makes me tear up all these years later. I worry for this country and our future. 
A rainy weekend ahead and Motocycle week is here. So we will stick close to home away from the noise and crowds. 
Have a wonderful week and thank you for visiting. 


Lauren said...

What great finds!
I, too, worry for the future of our country. The youth of today have no idea what sacrifices those young men and women made. Now the youth need “safe spaces”. Sad.
Rugs and Pugs

Julia said...

I'm a bit jealous of you for getting that nice bread machine for $5. But it brought a giggle to my face for wanting to give your old bread machine to your friend and keep the $5. one. lol... I can almost smell that bread. I love all your finds.

Lucky indeed that the hail missed your area. I'm so glad that we had a good rain late last night and everything got a good soaking. The ground was so dry.

The youth of today wouldn't stand a chance in battle as they would be glued to their cell phones. We celebrated D Day today and I'm very grateful for the brave soldiers, some so very young who gave their lives so we could have peace.May we never forget.

Take care, hugs.

Granny Marigold said...

I've found the best treasures at church sales. I like those rice bowls and how the light shines through them. The bread machine is quite a deal too...a mere $5.
Your roses are so lovely. Good thing you rescued them before the rain.

Sue in Suffolk said...

We had some wonderful programmes about D Day on TV here yesterday. Very emotional and only a few veterans left -all in their 90's of course.

Those hail stones are huge - must have done lots of damage

Prims By The Water said...

Lest we never forget, but I truly believe the younger generation already has. Beautiful flowers! Yu always find the coolest items. Hope you have a great weekend. Janice

kathyinozarks said...

This one is close to many of us as we had family in that war.
Lovely blooms, enjoyed your photos and very awesome finds-I do miss not shopping at the resale shops. I took a lot there and bought a lot too. No I don't think it is wrong to swap bread machines at all. Many years ago when I didn't realize I had celiac I made all of our breads, My mother in law gifted us with a small bread making machine but I never cared for it-as it didn't work with whole grain flours very well. Thinking they are much better now. I used it once cleaned it up and swapped it out for a pasta maker haha.
Enjoy your friday and weekend

Saundra said...

All the men in my family have been in the military. My grandparents were during war time with my paternal grandfather being in WWI and my father in WWII. Now we have the rainbow infiltration and woke indoctrination. God help America.

Chatty Crone said...

Yes where would we be without our soldiers - male and female.
About the bread machine - before you trade - test it out and see if it works and you like the bread better.

Marcia said...

I have some of those same bowls and am always on the lookout for more. The clear spots are rice in the ceramic.
Heavy rain here last night 1/2 inch of it.
We are having a croquet and cookout party Saturday evening so hoping rain holds off.

Boud said...

I have rice grain bowls like those. Mine are old but the local Asian store sells them, surprisingly inexpensive, too.
I was an English child on D-day. We saw wartime sights I don't like remembering. Everyone was at war, troops, civilians, little children.
Let's work to keep it only in the past.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Shhhh...don't tell, but I immediately thought you should swap out breadmakers even before you mentioned it. Cusinart is usually a good brand. What a steal! Your roses, irises and lupines are gorgeous. Some of my favorites although I no longer have irises - couldn't handle trying to weed them with all the rhizomes so close to the surface....and, for some reason, no matter what color they started as, they'd all turn to yellow after a couple of seasons and I'm not a yellow fan. Those rice bowls are fascinating. I've never known they do that...interesting now that Marcia explained why they do that. Yes, D-day was especially touching this year. And you are so right in your concern about the current state of our military aged folk. They were truly an amazing and great generation. Enjoy your weekend! ~Robin~

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

I have to agree with Robin...your friend "may" want to begin making bread, then again, she may tuck it away and never use it. Yep...I'd make the swap and tell her makes sense to me. Love the flowers and the happy cow, wow the hail! That's huge, oh the damage it can do. Crazy weather here...3 tornadoes unexpectedly came through. All is well for us, but it can be scary. Have a good weekend, test that bread machine and let us know! Mary

Jeanie said...

Seeing your painted tray reminds me that SOMEWHERE in my house I have something similar and I'd sure like to find it. I'd forgotten all about it, but I know it never made it to a sale (it was from the old cottage so "special" (although the fact that I have no idea where it is kind of flies in the face of special, doesn't it?). That's a great deal on the bread machine. I'd give it a try and if you still like it as much as you think it will, pass on your other one. (Make sure it works and times right!). I'm glad you missed the hale. It has been cool here -- we decided more like September or early May than June. Have a wonderful weekend!

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Marie Smith said...

I feel the same about the D Day remembrance. Tears for them and the world today!

Debbie said...

talk to your friend about the bread machine. she may prefer to have yours as you are familiar with it and can help guide her while she is using it. i love the bowls...

i did not write about d-day and now i feel ashamed. it was such an important day to write about!!

Bonnie K said...

Great finds. I'm sure your friend will understand about the bread machine. I tear up when I think about D-Day and all those people who never made it home.

moosecraft said...

Thanks for the positive review on the Cuisinart Bread Machine! I was on the fence about getting one...and now that I know it makes good bread....I just might order one today!:-)