Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wonderful Time At The Beach!

                          We all got to the beach in Maine about noon on Monday. First up food!!! And lots of it. We shared it was so good. 

                              Tuesday, we headed for bedrock gardens in Lee NH. It was the start of a very hot few days, but we still loved everything about it. 
                                    Such a beautiful peaceful setting 

                                                              We stuck to the shade as much as possible. 

Water lilies 

So, what do you do after a hot garden walk?

Why go to the beach of course. The cool ocean breezes were a relief.
The water was so cold I did not go in. 

Next day out early to visit a beautiful garden center in 
Kennebunk Me. 
Snug Harbor Farms. 

They had doves or some said pigeons.
I have driven by this place a thousand times and never knew it is as large as it is.  

A climbing hydrangea just beautiful.
we picked up a couple of little things and off we went.
We had ice cream for lunch and more beach time.  

We worked on this craft it is for a hook in this fall. Wonderful right?

We toasted beautiful sunsets and had the loveliest time. 

We swapped gifts. A mushroom for my garden and a new pair of gardening gloves. Oh, the wand is the best! You can fill it with your favorite spice such as salt and pepper and then wave your magic wand over your plate voila seasoned!!! I love it!

Donna made handmade vinegars chive and tarragon. 
With a few other lovelies (look at those buttons!)

Watching the moon come up the last full day of spring.
Yes, that is our sweet little cottage. 

And today well today was sad, time to go home. 
I got up early and walked to get donuts. We all left for home about noon. I feel so blessed to have these amazing friendships and to have Donna host us by the sea. 
It has been thundering since I got home but the temp has dropped 20 degrees. Yeah!
About my floor that porch floor has been there for at least 25 years. It weathers just fine.
It has been scrubbed and scrubbed and sealed I guess I never showed it before. But thank you for all the compliments. 
I will be around to visit everyone to see what I have missed while I was away. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Welcome to the Porch!

Welcome to the porch!
The railings and door are new. We have solar lights on the end caps of stairs. It gets very dark here at night. 
The porch is ready just in time to see the fireflies come out to play this year! There were hundreds the first night. 

I have a box for gardening gloves and a few tools for when I have a few minutes to get out in the garden. Husband made the box for me. 
The floor is mahogany. I have scrubbed it and sealed it, so it looks great right now. 

Our table where we have lunch and dinner all summer.

Our porch is 40 feet long and 8 feet wide. So, we have divided it into two sections. 

This is our old glider we have had for years. I finished the cushion. Trust me a person who can sew would never approve of how this is finished but good enough for the porch. 

We got rid of two big chairs and bought this glider from Home Depot. When we have people over it was too crowded with how we had it set up. This will give us more room to move around. 

We have them across from each other. We both like this so much better. 

I hung up my lady liberty for the fourth. 
The little shelf under it is a piece of marble husband had and he made a shelf for my battery candles, and you just may see a gnome hanging around. 

I made bread today not sure why the bead fell but it still tastes good. 

I made a recipe I found online. The cake mix is angel food cake,
one can of lemon pie filling, zest of one lemon and the juice of the lemon. mix well put in a 9x13 pan. 350 for 38 minutes.

After it cooled, I cut it into squares and dusted it with powdered sugar. I used parchment paper in the pan, no grease at all. 
They are good and lemony and so easy. 
I made them to take to the beach with me. I am headed out first thing in the morning. 4 of us are gathering at the beach in Maine for 4 days!!!! It is supposed to be very hot and hopefully it will be cool and lovely at the beach. There is a garden walk, lobster rolls, cold cocktails, and lots of laughter in store. We all need this so much!

And I will close with a happy father' day to my husband.
Our one and only is the exact double of her dad. I love them both to the moon!
Have a great week! 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Friends Who Can Sing

We gathered last night to hear our sweet friend sing. What a lovely evening.

This was what I brought for a snack. A walking Charticuire cup. They were a hit!

The porch will be finished  tomorrow.
I spent part of the day sewing the cover for the cushion. I do not enjoy sewing and there may have been some bad words said but I got a good start on it.

Today was one of those beautiful days you want to last forever. I took a nice long walk and worked in garden a bit then I sewed this afternoon.
Motocycle week here the traffic is getting crazy. Have a great weekend. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Porch News!

I used the new to me bread machine. Oatmeal bread came out good.

I bought a table like this at a yard sale years ago. This year it became to rickety to keep. I used it by the grill.
So husband made me another one out of an old maple table that had seen better days.

The best part it folds up after use.

I started putting a few things back on the porch.

The floor was given a finishing coat today. Most of the screens are up. Progress is being made finally. Now for the doors and furniture. 

This is the cushion cover I made years ago. Time for new ones.
I pulled fabric out of my closet.
This is what I had the most of so that is what I am using. 
Meeting up with my friends this week. One of them is a singer in a band. So she is hosting a little concert for us. Summer concert on her lawn with sweet friends, yes please!!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

And In The End We Will Always Honor And Remember

  Picked from my garden today before the rains come tonight.
And oh, it smells so lovely.

Lupin on my hill.

Iris be still my heart. 

Just 2 hours south of us this is the weather they got yesterday. 
I am so very thankful it did not hit here!

This cow was so happy to be grazing among the buttercups. 
When I was young my mother would put a buttercup flower under my chin and if it cast a yellow color under my chin it was a sign, I liked butter. News flash I love butter!!

I have been keeping my bread machine busy. 
I make the small loaves, so it doesn't get stale before we eat it. 

Church sale today! I purchased this bread machine for a friend who thinks they may want one for 5.00. Buttttt it is better than mine and I know I use my bread machine all the time. Is it wrong to give her mine for free and keep this one???? Yes I will talk to her about it. 

I also purchased these rice bowls 6 for 2.00.

Voila! Look what it does when put up to the light. 
Cool right???

I got my Christmas cards and a Cuisinart loaf pan...

And this good size tray for 8.00. The tray I think will go on my porch. Speaking of porch, it is coming along it should be up and ready by early next week. 

Today we remember the largest sacrifice any human can give for their country. D day 80 years ago today. May we never forget what those brave men did for their country. I have looked through lots of pictures today and the young faces that were on those boats that never made it home. It makes me tear up all these years later. I worry for this country and our future. 
A rainy weekend ahead and Motocycle week is here. So we will stick close to home away from the noise and crowds. 
Have a wonderful week and thank you for visiting.