I thought since I had some peaches why not try a bellini. while it was ok not my favorite.
I made a very quick trip into the thrift store this week. There were crying babies and people everywhere. Yikes!!! But for 3.00 I got what I have been holding out for, for several years. A pasta machine! I figure if I try it and hate it 3.00 is not a bad try and I can donate it back. I will wait for a time when we are not so busy.
A walk around the garden today. Fairy roses are just heavy with blooms.
My Astilbes are in bloom. I love the feathery blooms when they sway in the breeze.
I am not sure what this is, but I do think it is a type of succulent. It is in full bright yellow right now.
Speaking of succulents my hens and chicks are happy in the rock walls.
And my Hosta is happy. I know some people do not like the flowers they produce but I like them and so do the bees. My poor daughter she had a deer find her Hosta for the first time; they do a number on them pretty quickly.
My patch of walking onions had gotten a bit out of hand. I passed some off to my friends and then I thinned it out a bit. It is a perennial, and you can eat the whole plant. It has the taste of shallots. I am drying them a bit in an old onion bag. Walking onions info here if you want to know more.
I got this plant last year when I retired. I tried to winter it over in the house but trust me it was near death this spring. I threw it out in the garden in the pot it was in and said you have one chance, or you go on the compost heap. Lol it listened it is getting new leaves and blooming who knew???
The pond is not clearing up like I would like but I don't dare add any more chemicals to it because we have a new resident, and I don't want it to croak.
It is humid and awful today but there are storms brewing to clear it out. Not a fan of humid weather makes me very lazy.
Yesterday we celebrated my brother and sister-in-law's 50th Anniversary. It was nice to gather and honor them. This is my husband's brother who donated his bone Marrow to him. So, to say they are special is an understatement. We also saw friends there that asked if I ever got bored being retired? NEVER! They are still working.
I will end here thank you for all the new visits and comments every comment means so much to me.
Have a great week!