Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Baily's post

Hi my name is Baily. My mom is in labor so Gramie and Grampa are here with me and the cat. They are pacing the floor and not much sleep, but me I need all the rest I can get to deal with that baby when she gets home. So bye for now I will keep you informed but for now zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 


From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Too exciting!! I bet you can hardly wait to get your hands on your new bundle.

Kim said...

Oooooo, she is in labor. YAY! I'll be sending prayers for a safe and healthy delivery.

Julia said...

I'm so glad that it's finally happening. Congratulations in advance on the much awaited baby (any minutes now I hope). I hope that all is going as well as can be expected and that Mom and baby are doing well too. Can't wait to see the new grand child. Your Christmas present is a little late but I'm sure well worth waiting for. Hugs, Julia

Reduce, Reuse and Rummage said...

How exciting! Congratulations!

moosecraft said...

Yippeeee! Great news! Praying for a quick and healthy delivery! :-)

Donna said...

Whoo Hoo Cathy!!!! Bet you and Dennis are really Excited????? Congrats!!! And I still cannot believe what a small world this is!!! I called my mom and told her the whole story ...and she said to tell youtwo hello from her and Dad. ,,,,,Donna

Julia said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I wish you and yours a blessed New Year with health and happiness and all the best of everything. Hugs, JB