Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wintergarden Hook In 2

We haven't had cold snaps this cold in many years. The ice fishermen are dancing with joy. Bob houses are cropping up everywhere.
Hanging out in my rug room with a heating pad.

Color planning my next rug. The colors are out of my wheel house.
I was early for a hair cut so I walked through the book store next door. I treated myself.
We got about 5 inches of fresh fluffy snow,a perfect time to clean a few rugs 
Leaving to dry before I put it back in place.
Some of the rugs being worked on. This is from a children's book.

This rug is huge and I love it great colors!
The center is a piece is a dyed piece and she is hooking around it.
I really like this piece great job!

I went to the eye Dr today. We had a chat about my styes and cause.
BLEPHARITIS:it is a problem with the oil glands of the eyelids. So warm compresses and daily cleaning with baby shampoo should help. Ugg one more thing that has cropped up! But as things go it could of been way worse.
Have a great week and stay warm!


Jeanie said...

What a great way to wash your rugs! I love it (now, where do they dry?!). And every rug you showed is a dazzler. I got The Gray Wolf for Christmas -- haven't started it yet, but soon! Louise Penny is always a winner!

Mari said...

I am amazed by your rugs! They are all so beautiful.
Blepharitis is something many of my patients had. The baby shampoo treatment usually works well. :)

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

Wow really, in the snow? Never would have thought of that - but I don’t hook rugs. Can you tell me how you do that? I’m guessing they are somewhat delicate - no washing machine. Dry cleaning? So beautiful but I’d be afraid to use them - pieces of art!

Rugs and Pugs said...

We were -4 this morning. Thankfully the temps are creeping up.
Wonderful rugs being worked on. Looking forward to seeing the progress on your new rug.
Blepharitis. That's a new one for me but at least you are getting some answers and a treatment plan.

kathyinozarks said...

Good evening, I love seeing your rugs-always reminds me of my Mom when I was a child. she hooked many rugs, chair seats for the dining room chairs and more. We were minus 2 F the other day-we are warming up to the 30's finally. Let me know how you liked the book-I love wolves. Last year I found out I had something called dry eye-it has really effected my vision a lot-I have to use a lot of eye drops through the day ugh.
stay warm

TheCrankyCrow said...

The snow cleaning does work slick...I've used it for a couple older rugs that were a bit more than questionably clean. I don't do many large rugs...and even the ones I have done I don't put on the floors. With cats that shed a LOT (and, previously, Snowdog), it just isn't practical. And basically all my floor space is high traffic given the size and layout of my house. But the snow cleaning is good for more than just hooked rugs. Good luck with the blepharitis treatment. I've done the warm compresses but never the baby shampoo. We warmed up a bit today so, of course, it snowed. The fluffy, dry, stuff...but snow all the same. ~Robin~

Granny Marigold said...

Beautiful rugs!! Interesting to read about washing a rug in snow. Who knew??

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh...and I forgot to mention the rugs from the show. I'm always amazed at the variation in styles, techniques, design tastes, etc. Of course, my favorite is the geometric tumbling blocks. The "hooker down the road" does a lot of geometric/quilt-inspired pieces. I love them but always chicken out. Your fall leaves rug is going to be awesome I think. You've certainly captured the colors in the wools you chose.

Prims By The Water said...

All of the rugs are just so amazing. Interesting how you clean them, but hey if it it. We are in a heat wave now. It is 18 this morning. Janice

Marie Smith said...

Beautiful rug work! Not so beautiful cold. It is supposed to warm up a bit here today. I wish you the same!

Chatty Crone said...

How did you clean the rugs? You sure have some beautiful ones. I would stay inside with a heating pad too.

Farm Girl said...

What lovely rugs!! Its so cold everywhere. I would love to go ice fishing.

Leonora said...

Gorgeous rugs! I especially like the echinacea. I use warm moist eye compresses too.There is a nice eye mask I bought on . The insert is warmed in the microwave and then goes inside a cloth eye mask with an elastic band to keep it on. It provides moist heat and is luxurious to relax with on the eyes.

yaya said...

Wait! Snow cleans rugs? Wow, I never heard of doing that but it's brilliant! Makes me want to grab a few of mine and head outdoors. It's warming up this weekend. Who knew that the 20's and 30's was considered a heat wave! After -25, I do! All those rugs were amazing. I loved the turkey! Such talent and fun for you! Have a good weekend and go ice fishing....not for me because I'm not even happy buying fish in the store!

acorn hollow said...

It is a very old way of cleaning wool.

Bonnie K said...

Thanks for showing me how to clean rugs. I may give that a try tomorrow. I also appreciated seeing all of the projects. It is fun how everyone has a completely different subject. Hope it warms up your way.

WoolenSails said...

The rug hook in sounds like a fun time and I always love staying in Freeport. Definitely cold here too, so what snow we did get, has stayed longer. I have had a sty for years, but it never bothered me. Lucky you, can get something nice with the prize money.

Kay G. said...

Those rugs are amazing!! I love them all. Folks would be calling police on me to get me away from them, I would just look and look at them like the crazy nutcase that I an. I love beautiful creations. It's so cold, we are promised warmer temps, I hope it will happen!!

Julia said...

Some beautiful rugs on display. I also clean my hooked rugs with snow as suggested by my rug hooking teacher. Actually, now wouls be a good tiome to clean some. It works great on my wool rugs.
Are styes painful? I never heard of the baby shampoo but I heard about warm compress. Hugs.


The Happy Whisk said...

Glad the walk made you feel better. What pretty art too. Very, very cool. Excellent job on the leftovers. And Happy Yoga. Namesta!

The Happy Whisk said...

I hope the eyes feel better soon. Love the rugs and that you treated yourself to a trip to the bookshoppe. Delightful.