Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Planets Are Alined

These rugs were collected by Linda Bean the granddaughter of the original LL Bean. They are hanging in a restaurant named for her across the street from LL Bean's

I believe they were shown in a museum at one point. This is a cheticamp rug out of Cape Breton, Canada. 
Different angle.
This is a old Frost pattern.

For some reason I am always drawn to this type of rug. 
I have been feeling restless,unsettled. Maybe this is the problem. If the moon can pull the mighty tides, who is to say these planets can't have an affect on us?
I got out for a nice long walk, worked on a little stitching project. Feeling a bit better
We couldn't figure out what made these tracks....
And this crow came walking by looking for bread crumbs lol.
A trip to the thrift to drop off some things and a quick look around. 
The birch was in the original box. And a book I haven't read.

And a 96 in long table cloth in great shape for my table when the leaves are in. Total spent 5.50 a deal!

Tonight I wanted to use up left overs in a different way. I chopped up leftover meatloaf and made cheeseburger chowder, and used the leftover mashed potatoes to make biscuits. It turned out great and didn't seem like leftovers.
Back to yoga tomorrow, I have missed several. And back to rug hooking Wed if we don't get snow. Have a great week everyone!!!


Mari said...

Those are some beautiful rugs!
I didn't know that about the planets. That is really cool. I think this time of year has us all feeling restless... Even that crow! :)
I love the birch, perfect for winter decor. I also like Kristen Hannah books. I haven't read that one either.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Those "left-over" biscuits look and sound yummy. The rugs are beautiful. Would love to know what you think of The Four Winds after you've read it. Have a good week. See you again soon!

Saundra said...

Thanks for the wonderful rug show. I saved most all the photos on a flash drive. So at some point when and if I post the I might have forgotten where I saw them, lol.

Lauren said...

Great rugs! Thanks for sharing. Though I will likely never hook one, the Hutchinson rugs are always fun.
Great thrift finds.
You are such a creative cook. Me? Not at all 🤣🤣🤣
Rugs and Pugs

kathyinozarks said...

Lovely rugs thanks for sharing-you find such awesome deals and the resale shop happy new week

Prims By The Water said...

I looked for the planets the other night and could not see them. Was disappointed. I would never be able to think of creating a different meal like you do with me it would be lets eat this again. Those rugs are very interesting and like I have said a hundred times, there were/are so many talented hookers out there. Janice

Marie Smith said...

I always enjoy the rugs you feature. Such wonderful work. Hope you don’t have snow! Have a great week.