Our chronicle did a piece on a NH woman who wrote a book on how to decifer what the carvings on headstones mean.
Sounded interesting I sent for the book.
When spring and summer come around again I am going to walk the old grave yards. I found it very interesting and a lost art.
And speaking of art! Oh how I wish this were mine. I love it!
Such a cute idea. Some people are so clever.
And since Sweet B is into embrodiering jeans I sent this to her.
The sunsets are a bit later now. We are certainly going in the right direction.
The sunsets are a bit later now. We are certainly going in the right direction.
I developed a stye on my left eye. Not jut any stye it is under my top eyelid. Well my eye lid turned maroon and it swelled around my eye. Warm compresses were doing nothing. I went to walk in care Sunday, I have an antibiotic and I am praying it goes mostly away by the time I leave for rug hooking retreat tomorrow ugg.
On another note the nurse checking me in made a joke about my husband hitting me. While it is not something that would ever happen with us. It is not something to joke about. And yes she was laughing.
Have a wonderful week I hope to have fun stories and pictures from my retreat.
I had a stye on my eye late last year. It was so annoying and painful! I hope yours goes away quickly!
That candle holder is so creative!
That book sounds interesting - I'll have to look into it. Since as long as I can remember, I have been enchanted by cemeteries and gravestones...the older the better. You are fortunate that your area's history goes back so much further than ours. The embroidery pieces are great. I used to embroider my clothing and then I got into silk ribbon embroidery. I know I still have several unfinished shirts lingering somewhere. Ugh is right on the stye. I know how painful they are as have had more than my share of them but yours sounds exceptionally painful. Hope you start feeling relief soon. Have fun at your retreat! I'm going to hook with a group the end of this week and not a remote clue as to what I'm going to hook. ~Robin~
We have gained 19 minutes in the evening. Yes, we are headed in the right direction!!!
I love walking thru old cemeteries!!!
Hopefully the stye is on its way bye. Can't let anything interfere with a hooking retreat ;-) Safe travels.
Forgot to say I hope hubby's appointment went well and he will be getting some answers soon.
Oh my, that embroidered landscape is breathtaking. I agree it is no laughing matter with spousal or any other abuse. Sheesh, it has been years since I had a sty and hope none appear anytime soon. Looking forward to the reports from your rug hooking gathering.
Sad that the nurse made a joke of abuse. I hoped women knew better.
I love old cemeteries and that book sounds fascinating to me. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm so sorry to hear about your stye. I've never had one but I hate anything anywhere near my eyes. The retreat will be fun, Enjoy,
Hope your stye heals quick! That embroidered landscape is GORGEOUS! Hope hubby is okay too. A book on cemeteries - interesting - I guess. lol Never thought about it.
I used to get styes all the time growing up. Blue eye wash cup with boric acid is what I think I was subjected to. The candle holder is so clever. I watch (on YouTube) Kate At The Last Homely House. She has bent spoons holding curtain rods and I thought that was so cute. Hope your hooking get together is a blast. I have my monthly hook in with my group tomorrow. My Dad's family has a private little plot down in GA or SC somewhere. I've seen pics of it on line but didn't notice any special markings. Now I'm curious.
So sorry about your stye. I hope it will clear up quickly. How insensitive of the nurse to even say that. She has a poor sense of humour.
I'm so glad that the daylight is getting longer with every passing day. Hard to believe we are already in mid January. I hope that Davis had a good visit with the doctor.
Take care, hugs.
Ugh on the stye. Hope it went away. Also hope hubby is alright. Also have fun hooking. I once had a anesthesiologist tell me he would treat me like his mother-in-law. I did say at that time that I had hoped he liked his MIL. Nowadays though jokes like that are probably not good to say. That stitched embroidery piece is an amazing piece of art. Lots of French knots I noticed. The candle idea is a clever one too. I first thought of Robin (Cranky Crow) interested in your book about cemeteries and I was correct from her comment. I also like to see the old carvings. So intricate. Janice
Interesting art. Bent cutlery has been used for making jewellery and mobiles for years now. I do like the candle holder though. Back in the 1970's when my husband had a small hole in his denim flaired jeans, I would embroider over it, usually some form of wildlife.
Funny how recent generations think they've invented something new.
An old teaching colleague always said, "What goes around, comes around."
I sure hope you eye clears up. How interesting about the graveyard. I'm glad the days are getting longer.
I love cemeteries! It must be in my DNA because Mom would always have Dad stop at old cemeteries when we were on vacation. We are in a little warm up but the super cold is coming next week. We've had some good snow off and on. Trying to just enjoy every day! Love those jeans! Reminds me of when I was growing up in the 60's. Have a good weekend Cathy! I'm off to finally do some blogging of my own!
The historical society in nashua, NH, will have a presentation on cemetery sleuthing and we are planning to go. It owuld be interesting if this author was the presenter.
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