Monday, May 11, 2020

Weather Or Not

While I am still not working I did make it up early enough to see a sun rise. We have been getting lots of weird weather lately more on that later.
This is my husband, king of the face masks. He had a bone marrow transplant years ago and had to live in a face mask. Now that we are back in them his cousin and my rug hooking roomie when we go away sent him some she made. He loves them! Said they are the best ones he has worn. She also has a blog you can visit her here.
I miss her like crazy all of our rug hooking outings have been cancelled I have been just sick about it.

Since I have not been called back to work I have been baking!
Yes croissants! so much work but so worth it. I froze half the dough in the freezer for another time as it makes so many. But if you have not tasted one straight out of the oven you have been missing out. 

I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Funny thing about cookies if I do not eat one on the day it is made all warm and gooey I probably will not eat one later. 

I did another bleeding batch of wool. I didn't get anything I will use in my current rug but I will use them another time.

And speaking of my current project I am on the last of the border for this rug. I like the results and hopefully will be done soon.

Now the weather! Grrr we got up Sat morning and look what we had.

Anything that was blooming was covered! poor things. 

It didn't last long but it has been cold and windy and just crappy.
I am so done with the cold, I walk just about everyday about 3 miles plus (with lots of hills)while I am still not losing weight (could be the baking lol) I have lost a size so I continue to walk. 
We have been watching Acorn TV mostly British TV and have loved it so we decided to subscribe to Brit box. We used the free trial and love it so much we subscribed. They are the BBC so much to watch! I pay yearly for both of them you get two months free. 
Paying yearly for both does not come to one month of cable I need to do something about that cable I hate them more and more all the time! 
Well I guess that is it for now we are still pretty much home all the time. Which is fine I am never bored here but I miss family and friends so much. I hope you are all healthy and doing well.


yaya said...

We had snow too but it melted. However it's cold and rainy/snow today. It's supposed to get warm by the end of the week. I hope you had a good mother's day. Love hubby's mask! Stay safe! I have been baking more also.. not walking though...not good!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I have wondered about Brit Box. We don't have Netflix, but watch a lot of PBS, so maybe Brit Box would be worth it. I love the face mask your husband is wearing. I have been making a lot of masks, but I am always looking for tips, so I will visit your friend's blog. Have a great week!

Rugs and Pugs said...

I miss all the hooking stuff, too. I need hooker time!!!
Your rug looks wonderful. What's next on the frame?
It's a good thing I am not a baker since I am the only one here to eat it, but everything looks so yummy.
Hopefully that is the last of your snow. Cold here but at least it's not white.
I do not have Acorn TV or Brit Box, but yes, there are so many good BBC shows. We have watched many on Netflix and Prime. I don't have cable but I've heard how outrageous it is.
Take good care and hopefully it will be a while before you are back to work!

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Cathy,
Thank you for the lovely comment on my rug!! I really appreciate it so much!!! Yours is just beautiful and see you are almost done with the loops!! Yay!!! Then comes all the finishing, but hoping that goes quickly!!!
Your hubby looks great in his masks and happy he has a good supply of them!!
You have been baking up a storm and it all looks yummy!! As to the cookies, I put mine in freezer bags and then just take out several, let them come to room temp and then put in the micro for about 20 seconds!! They are warm, and delicious!!!
Can't believe your weather!! We have been in the 100's all week and finally back to the 90's this week!! At least the mornings are cooler for our walks and we will have to get up earlier as time goes on to deal with the heat!!
Sorry about your group cancellations! We are dealing with that too, and I know everyone is as well!! Praying it will pass soon!
Take care and enjoy your week!
Heart Hugs~
Julie xo

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Cathy,
I forgot to mention that we subscribed to Hulu instead of cable and we just love it!! It has a lot of shows available and there are lots of the British ones as well!! We also subscribed to Acorn TV through our local library and it is a free service that you have to renew every 7 days but for now we will just use it when we want to see something not on Hulu!!
Be sure to check it out!!
Take care!!
Heart Hugs~
Julie xo

Judy said...

This cold weather is just about to drive me nutz!
Bad enough to be cooped up inside when it isn't even comfortable enough outside to take a walk, it makes it all seem worse.
I'm never really bored either. Also a project to work on or a load of laundry or vacuuming to be done.
I just want to see my kids and grandkids and the great grand babies.

Hill Top Post said...

Seems winter doesn't want to give up this year. I love the rug! I would sure like one of those cookies right about now.

Prims By The Water said...

It snowed so bad on Friday with freezing rain too! Weird weather. Then this morning there was more snow on the ground. Then this afternoon rain and now we are under a freeze warning. Thought this was Spring. UGH Love your rug. Beautiful colors! Janice

Donna said...

Awe thanks so much for the kind words...I sure miss you too...and thank you for the shout out about my're the best.
Your rug is coming out everything about it...can't wait to see it completed. Those croissants look scrumptious....I may have to try my hand at making some.....NOT.

Julia said...

It's so nice of your friend to make masks for your hubby. We see homemade masks everywhere around here.
I've been baking more also. Yesterday I made some Apple Crisp. So quick and easy.
Your rug is looking beautiful. We had snow also but it all went away. Today was nice and warm and I worked outside. The darn blackbirds pulled a whole bunch of my onions and this is the second time I had to put them back in the soil. I went to the garden center to buy a roll of burlap to cover them. I hope it works to keep the blackbirds confused.

Hugs, Julia

moosecraft said...

I know it's annoying....but the snow (as just a light covering) is so pretty! I bet it looked nicer when the sun came out? We had a snow squall the other day....lasted all of 30 seconds! ;-)
And the wind.....ick....mix that with hair that reeeeeallly needs a trim and wow...witchy! lol!
Love your rug....and yes....I'm still fine with staying home, though I do miss gathering with friends as well...

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh....I am dreadfully behind on my blog reading/commenting....Not even exactly sure what day it is anymore. Maybe things will get back to a bit more normal (but I am sure never "really normal" again) since our supreme court ended our lock down last week. We were promised some warm...actually near summer-like (for us) temps this weekend and coming week...and then they changed their mind...surprise, surprise....NOT! High of 48?? Hello....pretty soon it will be fall again. Very cold, windy and rainy today...even the lake is discontented. Hope your Sunday has been good ~ Robin