I know I have shown this rug before but still one of my favorites.
The colors are not showing very well though here.
We got another round of snow this week not much for us just lots of wind, hail and rain. The wind oh the wind was so strong.
We also took a trip into Boston for husband's yearly check up.
He got a great report and we go back in a year. We were going to stay over night the night before but because the Red Sox are in the world series the cheapest room was 900.00 in the city yikes I will deal with the traffic for that much $.
Miss B was in a school play. She did great job. she is in the crown and gold cape. She loved every minute of it.
I also got to go to lunch with a good friend on Thur. I got out early from work so it worked out great. We went to church landing and had a wonderful lunch!
Since plans got changed around this weekend I ended up with free time so I baked the first pork pie of the season...
And a apple crisp. I had no oatmeal in the cupboard so I used some granola I had and it worked out so good.
We also kept the fire place going most of the day.
I did get to the thrift on my way out and about doing errands.
this was 1.00 and as cute as can be.
This was also 1.00 a hand thrown pottery mug with the top that does fit, great for work when I make a cup of coffee and don't get back to it for a few minutes
This was free, I pulled the fabric liner out and ran it through the washer and dryer perfect.
I am working on a Christmas rug I have a good start on it
so I should be done for Christmas
We trick or treat with B and my daughter and son in law Wed. then
my son in law's grandmother hosts a fun spread of food and a get together.
I also have my yearly check up. I am hoping some of my numbers are better, I have been exercising and lost some weight and I've been eating better.
Happy Halloween, Boo!